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Dufflebag Boy 06-25-09 09:08 PM

best/worst birthday of my life (my 20th)
so i had 11 people over drinking with me the other night (june 23), 3:30 in the morning comes round and cops show up. u think my bdays ruined just cuz of that? lol guess again.

they didnt have a warrant or permission but they stormed into my room anyways and pull everyone out giving us all breathalizers. i didnt get an unerage cuz i was under my dads permission (i blew a 1.8), my dads old enough (he had a few shots with us), one of my buddies was old enough, and my other buddy didnt drink with us. but the 5 other people got underages.

heres a list of what happened to my friends that got busted: (its fucked up)

felisha, got an underage, they took her phone as "evidence" and contacted her parents bout it even tho shes 20 and lives on her own

bree, hid upstairs (where they didnt check), but left her purse downstairs. cops convisgated for being "lost and found" and hung onto it as "evidence" till she comes and claims it. (let me also mention they went thru all of it too). the next morning she goes to pick it up and they didnt let her pick it up because officer jones (the dick cop that took it) hung onto iuntil he started his shift again at 11 pm. he didnt give her the purse till 1:30 in the morn only cuz she came back down to the station again.

my other friend miia got her 3rd underage and when she got home got pushed by her mom into her bedroom window causing it to break and cut up her hands. and got pulled by her hair. her mom also told her to "kill herself"

isnt it illegal for cops to bust in without a warrant or permission, convisgate legal personal belongings and use them as blackmail to force people to talk about the party? my basement/room is divided from the neighbors basement by a wall (its a duplex). theyres a locked door in the wall. and the cops went thru there too. so another trespass without a warrant or permission.

i didnt get an underage but i got charges for drug paraphernalia (bong and piece), and they found a bunch of precribed sleep meds prescribed for insomnia (they werent prescribed to me) my dad got a $700 fine for hosting an underage party.

im facing either a lil over a $1000 in fines, probation, or 15 to 30 days in prison if im charged. but i should be able to fight it cuz it was all illegally convisgated wasnt it? they gave me the choice to in other words snitch but i rather fuckin rot in prison before i ever did that

UPDATE: just got the tickets in the mail...possion of drug paraphernalia (was expecting that), permit underages to drink (even tho my dad got the same thing for less money), and possesion of THC $375

i didnt even have ANY weed at ALL. how the fuck can they do that? i didnt have any stashed or anything. what they assume just cuz the paraphernalia tested positive that they assumed i had possesion even though they didnt find any? thats illegal. or did they consider what they found in the bong or piece to be actual possesion just cuz they had enough to make it test positive? thats like pulling a poor man off the street and saying he aint poor cuz he has 2 pennies in his pocket...that doesnt count. how the fuck can cops do that...im defitnly reaming them a new asshole in court...cant fuckin wait till i talk to a public defender...

all the fines combined im looking at roughly 1200 dollars

06-25-09 11:17 PM

fuck your birthday

think about america as a whole

that shit should be illegal, well fuck it, guess again

nothing is private

most of everything people do in america is on video tape, especially walking the streets. When Mr. Jones owns the sidewalk you and your people are treading on, and Mr. Jones wants safety, Mr. Jones throws a cam up and no one has to know but him

sadly Mr. Government can confiscate Mr. Jones' or Mr. Big Corporation or fuck whoever they 'feel' has the information that the government wants and threaten them with jail for assisting a crime if Mrs. tape isn't provided

not to mention the mini cameras ordered by Bush to be put in almost every stop light in America

fucka big brother this is major high tech pervert neighbor we're talkin' here

and you're upset about a fucking birthday, fuck you

Cola 06-25-09 11:47 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
fuck your birthday

think about america as a whole

that shit should be illegal, well fuck it, guess again

nothing is private

most of everything people do in america is on video tape, especially walking the streets. When Mr. Jones owns the sidewalk you and your people are treading on, and Mr. Jones wants safety, Mr. Jones throws a cam up and no one has to know but him

sadly Mr. Government can confiscate Mr. Jones' or Mr. Big Corporation or fuck whoever they 'feel' has the information that the government wants and threaten them with jail for assisting a crime if Mrs. tape isn't provided

not to mention the mini cameras ordered by Bush to be put in almost every stop light in America

fucka big brother this is major high tech pervert neighbor we're talkin' here

and you're upset about a fucking birthday, fuck you

rofl, jesus christ 2v....

Dufflebag Boy 06-26-09 02:15 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
fuck your birthday

think about america as a whole

that shit should be illegal, well fuck it, guess again

nothing is private

most of everything people do in america is on video tape, especially walking the streets. When Mr. Jones owns the sidewalk you and your people are treading on, and Mr. Jones wants safety, Mr. Jones throws a cam up and no one has to know but him

sadly Mr. Government can confiscate Mr. Jones' or Mr. Big Corporation or fuck whoever they 'feel' has the information that the government wants and threaten them with jail for assisting a crime if Mrs. tape isn't provided

not to mention the mini cameras ordered by Bush to be put in almost every stop light in America

fucka big brother this is major high tech pervert neighbor we're talkin' here

and you're upset about a fucking birthday, fuck you

oh wait i miss out on why i should be thinking it dont matter?? u truly bitching about the government cuz u care bout what theyre doing to people and their rights or u just bitching about the governement ta try an sound smart

yea not like having pigs come and make themselves at home should upset me or anything big deal rite?? 2v ur a fuckin idiot. tell me u wouldnt be pissed if it was u

Dufflebag Boy 06-26-09 02:17 AM

and how the fuck is it unsafe what i was doing not like i was letting anyone drive...and everything u mentioned is a completely diffrent subject

WhoAmI 06-26-09 02:38 AM

that's pretty fucked up for real...i don't know about the laws in your state so i wouldnt know the legality of the situation but regardless, its highly unethical

06-26-09 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by AntiRehaB
oh wait i miss out on why i should be thinking it dont matter?? u truly bitching about the government cuz u care bout what theyre doing to people and their rights or u just bitching about the governement ta try an sound smart

yea not like having pigs come and make themselves at home should upset me or anything big deal rite?? 2v ur a fuckin idiot. tell me u wouldnt be pissed if it was u

I'd fucking shoot myself if I threw a party in a place that you live, had the friends that you do, who did the same things that y'all did

so it's highly unlikely that I'd ever be pissed and in ur position ..

Dufflebag Boy 06-26-09 02:26 PM

^^what u know bout my friends? or where i live? what u so innocent u never drank or smoked?? pussy...why dont u just shoot yourself anyways for being your parents lil angel that u are...get a life stop trying to act all hard on a website u been posting everyday for years...get some friends (internet buddies dont count) then u can talk bout my friends and what ud do...cuz frankly nobody gives a shit bout u

06-26-09 02:34 PM

Aw. all those people that i give a shit about....

they dont give a shit about me?

i'm utterly shattered

sorry about the intrusion birthday boy

maybe when you grow the fuck up and dont have idiotic friends you wont have to worry about the cops

or maybe by then you'll have died by an overdose while listening to hard rock in the trunk of your friends '88 nissan 200sx. you freaking faggot

Dufflebag Boy 06-26-09 02:39 PM

^^lmao what cuz im white i listen to just hard rock?? your right bout one thing tho nobody gives a shit bout u..sorry to "shatter" your beliefs....u dont know shit bout my friends so dont say anything till u been in or even around my shoes

_Talksic_ 06-29-09 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by dark
that's pretty fucked up for real...i don't know about the laws in your state so i wouldnt know the legality of the situation but regardless, its highly unethical

yeah ^^^^hes right laws are different in every state..i know they cant bust in where im from,weve thrown hella partys and when the cops come we just turn off the lights and music till they go away..

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-29-09 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by AntiRehaB
so i had 11 people over drinking with me the other night (june 23), 3:30 in the morning comes round and cops show up. u think my bdays ruined just cuz of that? lol guess again.

they didnt have a warrant or permission but they stormed into my room anyways and pull everyone out giving us all breathalizers. i didnt get an unerage cuz i was under my dads permission (i blew a 1.8), my dads old enough (he had a few shots with us), one of my buddies was old enough, and my other buddy didnt drink with us. but the 5 other people got underages.

heres a list of what happened to my friends that got busted: (its fucked up)

felisha, got an underage, they took her phone as "evidence" and contacted her parents bout it even tho shes 20 and lives on her own

bree, hid upstairs (where they didnt check), but left her purse downstairs. cops convisgated for being "lost and found" and hung onto it as "evidence" till she comes and claims it. (let me also mention they went thru all of it too). the next morning she goes to pick it up and they didnt let her pick it up because officer jones (the dick cop that took it) hung onto iuntil he started his shift again at 11 pm. he didnt give her the purse till 1:30 in the morn only cuz she came back down to the station again.

my other friend miia got her 3rd underage and when she got home got pushed by her mom into her bedroom window causing it to break and cut up her hands. and got pulled by her hair. her mom also told her to "kill herself"

isnt it illegal for cops to bust in without a warrant or permission, convisgate legal personal belongings and use them as blackmail to force people to talk about the party? my basement/room is divided from the neighbors basement by a wall (its a duplex). theyres a locked door in the wall. and the cops went thru there too. so another trespass without a warrant or permission.

i didnt get an underage but i got charges for drug paraphernalia (bong and piece), and they found a bunch of precribed sleep meds prescribed for insomnia (they werent prescribed to me) my dad got a $700 fine for hosting an underage party.

im facing either a lil over a $1000 in fines, probation, or 15 to 30 days in prison if im charged. but i should be able to fight it cuz it was all illegally convisgated wasnt it? they gave me the choice to in other words snitch but i rather fuckin rot in prison before i ever did that

UPDATE: just got the tickets in the mail...possion of drug paraphernalia (was expecting that), permit underages to drink (even tho my dad got the same thing for less money), and possesion of THC $375

i didnt even have ANY weed at ALL. how the fuck can they do that? i didnt have any stashed or anything. what they assume just cuz the paraphernalia tested positive that they assumed i had possesion even though they didnt find any? thats illegal. or did they consider what they found in the bong or piece to be actual possesion just cuz they had enough to make it test positive? thats like pulling a poor man off the street and saying he aint poor cuz he has 2 pennies in his pocket...that doesnt count. how the fuck can cops do that...im defitnly reaming them a new asshole in court...cant fuckin wait till i talk to a public defender...

all the fines combined im looking at roughly 1200 dollars

rofl wait till they see ur sig

on a more serious note,cops will charge u with as many things as they can think of.its not their job to prosecute.they know many of those charges won't stick so they try and do it so that at least one or more does.
its not as straight forward as having to have a warrant or not.there are certain grounds they have for entering if they have reason to believe something is going on, then they dont need a warrant.it is different in every state so i cant say.if u have a lawyer they can certainly try n throw all evidence out on those grounds but its up to the judge and the circumstances.

.Judicial. 07-01-09 08:24 PM

damn they real strict on yall niggas, around here they would just be like go home, and they would bounce out

Dufflebag Boy 07-11-09 05:09 AM

well i guess the cops were called "reporting someone was outside puking" but nobody was outside and nobody was puking and there was no puke on the ground anywhere. and the cops claimed "they were concerned for their safety cuz they saw a shadow thru the door window".....but everybody was outside already and it aint that easy ta see a shadow from downstairs and even if someone was puking it aint proof that it was because they were drinking so they cant really even fall back on probable cause..i cant afford a lawyer but i can get appointed a public defender since i have no source of income...i heard that its like $60 u have ta pay within a month if u dont have a job or any kinda income....i should be able ta fight it but its fucked up

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