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Dufflebag Boy 07-14-09 08:07 PM

favorite drug?
its been awhile since i even did anything. ive been living clean for a while but it still stays on my mind once in a while and i just got curious. whats your drug of choice? (if u do drugs)

mine is oxy. it gives you such a good feeling. it makes you wanna go on walks and do stuff without hyping you up like coke. it doesnt turn you into a dumbass when u do it like pot. you enjoy everything u do even if u normally would find it boring. you can do it anyway u want. you can snort it, (what i do, u could melt it down and shoot it up, lick off the time-release and pop it, shit u can even smoke it. and unlike herion, coke, or weed you dont ever have to worry about the quality cuz its a pill so its always the same. you'll always know what your getting (unless its generics but u can usually find out before u get it). no one can usually tell your on it unless u do ALOT or someone really looks and knows what ta look for. and it FUCKS YOU UP!

on the other hand, its very expensive, its VERY addictive, (trust me i know) and it makes u lose ALOT of weight if u end up doing it alot. it can also kill you if u have no idea what your doing or u start mixing it with shit. but that goes for just about any drug just about.

i spent all my tax money on it (1500 bucks) in 2 weeks, i spent all my checks just about on it (which is $375 a week) and whatever money i can get. thats how addicted i was. now that i stopped already put on 20 pounds in just 2 months if that and ive been eating alot more. just an example of how bad it can be but i dont care it gives u SUCH a good feeling.

just thought whats ur fav and why

Adam 07-14-09 08:59 PM


La Cosa Nostra 07-15-09 01:43 AM

antirehab you would froth your pants if you knew what my lifestyle consisted of... i really cant say anything on a public forum because thats really dumb but honest to god if i could tell you the stuff i do on a daily basis you would absolutly envy the fuck out of me..

at the moment in terms of what i take on prescription though im on tramel or tramadol hydrochloride 200mg.. ive reached a point where xanax and valium and all the benzos just do absolutly nothing to me i can take 5 2mg tri score xanax tombstones and i wont feel a thing.. opiates are my drug of choice..

weed and alcahol are also majorly prevelant in my lifestyle ofcourse but thats totally natural... what i dont do is extasy i think its a complete waste of time and money nobody makes it right anymore anyway and theres just far better product on the market.. meth i dont mind on occaision but im not addicted to uppers because i like my downers...

adam, mushrooms are good... but you really gotta space them out when you do them... i go through periods usually once a year where ill eat chronic amounts of them but ive been finding latly that i get suicidal on those bastards so im staying away.....

but what i do absolutly LOVE without a doubt my favourite drug of all time is LSD.. in my mind that is the best drug ever created by man and should be far more prevelant in society... it doesent get the respect and popularity it deserves..

Phenom-in-all 07-15-09 10:13 PM

mary j. wanna. word

M&rk 07-15-09 10:48 PM

weeds ok, but its a little addictive and costs more than..... wiskey. its not a drug but it is very reliable, and hard to get addicted too if thats all you drink, cuz who wants to just drink a shit ton of wiskey all the time. but wiskey's been a good friend for a long time

Phenom-in-all 07-16-09 02:30 AM

i drink so much jack, i call him jimmy daniels. weeds jus a everyday thing.

La Cosa Nostra 07-16-09 10:24 AM

BTW antirehab -- do you get your oxys on prescription? is it that easy in america?

M&rk 07-16-09 11:58 AM

it can be that easy, but u actually have to need them for some like chronic illness or gettin over surgery or sumin. but he's talkin that he spends a bunch of money for them so he aint gettin them direct at all

_Talksic_ 07-16-09 03:51 PM

mary jane............

Dufflebag Boy 07-16-09 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Amun Ra
BTW antirehab -- do you get your oxys on prescription? is it that easy in america?

well like i said i barily ever do shit anymore but no i wish i had a prescription that be fuckin SWEET lol but no just your local drug dealer lol....and yes theyre expensive as FUCK $1 per mg here. so if its a 40 then its $40 and if its an 80 then its $80 but when your into it then youll spend anything on it just ta have it...its been getting real dry round here lately :/ fuckin too many people getting busted

Dufflebag Boy 07-16-09 08:15 PM

it aint real easy ta get prescribed tho matter fact doctors really dont do it unless its necassary cuz of how big of an "epidemic" prescription meds is becoming in todays generation but my mother did get prescribed them bout 2 years ago when she got her appendix removed. i didnt know till after but she told me she tried one and it "made her stomach hurt" so she just THREW them AWAY man, thats drug abuse. if i known that i woulda swiped them from the garbage sell half the bottle and keep half for myself id have it made...idk how much mgz they were but free oxy is free oxy

La Cosa Nostra 07-16-09 10:34 PM

$1 per milligram.. yep.. thats about right bud.. but somebody has to make money right?

i realise now why oxy contin is your faverite drug, because you hardly ever do it... ive had every day habbits on that and ms contin 100mg pills which i was getting for $20 each..

see you like it because its something different and cool to you because youve prolly never formed a major habbit to pharmacutical opiates.. youve prolly just dabbled in benzodiazapine scripts like valium and xanax..

i dont take oxy contin or ms contin anymore man.. im trying to steer clear of them both because their evil and fucking hard to get off once youve got an every day habbit.. withdrawels and all that bullshit is fucked up but from the sounds of it youve prolly never majorly been there.

lets put it this way... im the bad guy man... i love finding people like you.. too bad your not in my town.....

Dufflebag Boy 07-17-09 08:07 AM

^^^lol dont get me wrong bro ive been there done that...i havent done it for a while and i barily ever do it now but late last year i was heavy into it and trust me it WAS an everyday habit for me and yes ive dealt with the withdrawals, i wheened myself off it by gradually doing less so i didnt deal with the worst of withdrawals but im not really new to it at all. and tell u the truth i barily touched other scripts other than oxy...suboxyn might taste fuckin awful especially the drips but its good for helping u get over withdrawals i still LOVE oxy i just hate the withdrawals

btw 100mg pills?? must have diffrent types of mgz over there. highest mg pills they produce here is 80mgz...they used to manufacture 160s before but they stopped making them i have NEVER seen a 160 before but i wasnt even aware they made 100z

La Cosa Nostra 07-17-09 12:26 PM

ughh i dont really want to talk about this on here.. no point man.. forget about it

La Cosa Nostra 07-17-09 12:32 PM

and dude whats up with your account pretty much idolising drugs cocaine signature oxy contin avatar antirehab name...

i dont want to knock your fantasy but you should really stop trynna talk up drugs like their the best thing since sliced bread.. im not really prepared to lecture you on unwritten rules but your not doing yourself any major favors in the cool department.. drugs are just drugs nothing majorly exciting its not what your on its who you are think about that and get a fucking personality brother.

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