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M&rk 07-22-07 02:24 AM

different races in the bible
the whole, people were trying to build a temple tall enough to reach heaven thing and god turned everyone into different races and made them speak different languages thing.
i figured that riddle out.
its not that god changed us into different races and made us speak different languages. what it is is we can build something or create something and reach heaven if we put the languages and races to the side and just come together as one. ya dig?
the bible is a metaphor.

07-22-07 02:46 AM

In your opinion.

though i do think it's a bit of a unique one.

cool thoughts. I'll put it into my thinking process in a minute.

07-22-07 03:10 AM

Return Conclusion

You say God changed us, but that's your belief.
Though the real view in this, (from an Atheist point of ..) is that people split up in life across a certain area and if they cannot connect one person to another, they cannot connect nations in their mind. If you have nothing in relation to people everywhere, your cultures are entirely different and you can only learn it as (whichever pace you absorb the culture) you grow accustomed to it.

But that is only the opener to the true subject, It is very interesting because every place has different rules, and Religion spreads through "groups"... England, America. But America is sort of a whore, And just naturally absorbs other cultures and we're all taught to live together peacefully and wait for our chance as a human being. lol. But that's also beside the fucking point, Korea and Vietnam , Hell, even some parts of China has communism in it, and together they are a group (in area). Notice how they are right next to eachother. THOUGH.. The U.S.A. is not a part of England any-more, Canada IS... So we are still in relation to that 'capital'. Mexico and all of south America are connected. We block them off with gates. lol. Anyway, countries have grown in time and so many have different histories, they've believed in their own ways and Religion for many years and some of them still are hated and put to shame for dropping their parent's Religion. Truly, it's fucked up. But my point is, people grew apart and there is no way in fucking hell cultures will drop their LANGUAGE for this thing referred to as 'World Peace' that you speak of, without promises of World betterment and a flawless arguement against any and all opposing....... Viewers.

.. say something else

M&rk 07-22-07 03:18 AM

your thinkin way too literal. and no i dont say god has changed us. the bible says that, but i think its just a metaphor to get languages and races to all work towards heaven. aka world peace. very simple concept that everyone can understand and would help them but the people that wrote the bible weren't direct enough and made up another religion that is just pullin people further away from each other.
all and all everyone needs to set there differences aside and work towards a common goal is what im sayin. that being the metaphor of heaven, whatever u want heaven to be.

M&rk 07-22-07 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by Big Picture
your thinkin way too literal. and no i dont say god has changed us. the bible says that, but i think its just a metaphor to get languages and races to all work towards heaven. aka world peace. very simple concept that everyone can understand and would help them but the people that wrote the bible weren't direct enough and made up another religion that is just pullin people further away from each other.
all and all everyone needs to set there differences aside and work towards a common goal is what im sayin. that being the metaphor of heaven, whatever u want heaven to be.

and at the same time, not everyone has the same heaven in mind for themselves so people just need to respect and acknowledge everyones well being.
im pretty sure this is already understood by the right people and we're just in the dark. but i think everyone should know so we dont get hung up on lame shit and ever feel bad. basically everyone should be on the same level or as close as possible, at least as close as possible. and one book could teach that and that one book shouldn't be a religion.

M&rk 07-22-07 03:30 AM

bahh... religion should be an ongoing discussion, not a list of rules.

07-22-07 03:31 AM

Well, your opinions and entire views are complete opposite to some people on the opposite side of the world.

Just BECAUSE of your Religion and belief. and that's the sad truth of it.

you can't work well with people who consider you nonsense. Every nation is becoming more business-ey because they have to interact with eachother politically.

Or suffer the consequence as being looked at as "secluded" or "3rd-World"

.. lmao

M&rk 07-22-07 03:41 AM

i think everyone has the same basic principles and would wanna work towards something good for man kind if man kind hasn't already shit on them.
idk where u went there ,but yes religion is the basis of a lot of ignorant hate towards someone u dont even know.
people just make up too much pointless shit to get mad about. thats why there needs to be a book that cuts out all the bull and just teaches the basics of life at this point in time, and it shouldn't be etched in stone, it should be discussed and debated at all times.

07-22-07 03:43 AM

Yessah. But who will come to terms and write such a works?

Oh and I know politics and Religion separate, but politics brings us together and the world discusses all sorts of things. Why aren't the public informed of what they talk about? No cameras allowed in some meetings. Hehe.

M&rk 07-22-07 03:58 AM

the so called anti christ will write it. or at least they'll be called that.
and i think that the real people in charge already made up their minds a long time ago that keepin the public dumb would actually help us be happy. b/c that makes sence, if u dont have to think about anything and people just tell u what to think its actually easier to go through life with a smile on your face and just do what u gotta do. but then at the same time theres less chance of makin real gains in the world moving towards a better world because theres less minds thinkin how.
and thats why the bible talks about the anti christ i think, b/c the people that wrote the bible think its best to let everyone live in an ignorant bliss and if we were to learn the truth we wouldn't be able to be happy. its like eating baloney, its good but if u knew whats in it, it wouldn't be as good and might make u never wanna eat it again. or other similar metaphors having to do with gettin something u like by going through an ill regular or nasty process.

M&rk 07-22-07 04:02 AM

i wanna read this.

07-22-07 04:32 PM


U are right though. It's just funny how books that praise death as the real beginning without giving a specific purpose as to what is about the be begun, is a bit fanatic and crazy to me.

I dunno..

I just think it's weird someone claiming to be the son of something that was never really defined as anything more than "The ultimate being", would tell us that then end his own life by going on a cross.

Like if I told you I was the son of Satan and I'd prove it by putting nails through my nuts and getting someone pregnant right afterwards, you'd probably believe me by the sheer craziness of the act.

I mean, listen, Jesus is God right? Then why was God not letting us go to heaven in the first place? Why did his "son" Jesus ( ? ) have to be crucified for our sins so we could get in?

Does God have a gate keeper who hates evil deeds or some shit like meeting grandpas on a first trip to your bitches house and snoops out every move you make to ensure you're not a predator? Like, what does heaven need protection from? Sins? What is pureness and what is evilness and why do they differentiate and why do acts like eating a lot mean pain for the rest of your "after-days" ?

I'm sorry to say but the bible itself just seems a bit out there and I'm not saying it's because I'm not spiritual it's just what kind of God would sit there and do that to us without a purpose?

Like, does he have enjoyment seeing what parts of his own body does when it's given the right to choose?

like "Lol oh shit my limb likes to rape my Womb."

............ "Wait doesn't that mean I'm touching myself?" - God

M&rk 07-22-07 11:28 PM

the bible is a metaphor, and if u read it with an open mind u can learn a lot. but if u take every crazy thing that happens in it literal, everyone in the world would have been stoned to death by now for random sins.
and the purpose for jesus is (what was said in the da vinci code, and makes sense to me) to have the "keys to heaven." everyone wants to go to "heaven" so if u have a story in your religion that will get them there; a lot of people are going to want to learn about it.

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