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macKa 05-17-04 06:06 AM

aight, im confused. iv been on several rap sites, and this is the first one that has used "structure" as a voting criteria. now help me. wot exactly does it mean? it dont mean flow. it dont mean multies/rhymes. wot exactly DOES it mean?

Enhance 05-17-04 06:14 AM

only the best rap sites use structue Respected ones like RnR , UPN & RM are known to use structure but there are many more who still use strcture also.

structure is keep your lines not messy and everywhere but equal

so if u see PIMP RAWB doing this

yeao im cool yeah im fuck u up uuu yeeah with hits u shit motuahfucker die oh bastard kick
Im hit you with furlisou flows and furiohs hoes and doe yo....

^something wack like that the structure is messy and hard to flow with..

But if you see ME , SPUL or L.I
doing structure like this...

His previous battle was horrible, That Flash back Proves I`ve caught ya
He Drop`s more Shit Here ,Than i`ve witnessed in my own toilet water . .
^ So there botht the same length

If you dont understand there is a tutorial about structure in the tutorial forum.

Enhance 05-17-04 06:18 AM


& i'll Spare the kids.. but today im leaving THIS bitch raped & torn
it's not that we Hate YOU.. we just Hate that YOU WERE BORN

Notice the lines are both in the same range...

and make sure you lines are not stretcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed like that.

macKa 05-17-04 06:52 AM

yeah, but htat really falls under the category of flow doesn't it? i mean, if uve got fucked up "structure", then naturally ur going to have a wack flow. like, if ur lines are all different lengths and shit, then ur flows gonna b off. the thing is, it means ur placing too much on flow.structure. as far as i can see, they are pretty much the same thing. so when people do their little rating tallies:
ur going to be putting a little too much emphasis on flow right? see wot i mean? Also, a lot of people seem to be taking structure to mean how your verse appears visually, like, if its all neat and trim, then it gets u more marks. For real, just read the verse, let it flow in ur head or woteva, and if it dus, its got the marks for flow/structure. if not, then it dusnt. simple as that.

macKa 05-17-04 06:54 AM

also, that tutorial is aboutt he structure of a song, not of battle verses.

Enhance 05-17-04 06:58 AM

You`re correct structure is like flow . . But people do not like reading messy verses well vets dont... Herbs (Many on this site) dont care you need you`re strutcture sorted and i you can punch with good structure it proves you`re not a herb also...
Because most n00bs stretch there lines so people can see the punches.

macKa 05-17-04 07:23 AM

well, if people cant get passed aesthetics, then i think thats weak. yeah, flows important, but i dont think u should also factor in the way the verse looks. coz alot of people highlight punches and woteva coz alot of people miss them. but w/e, im not gonna try and change the way the shite votes. i just think its stupid. and by the way, its not just newbies that highlight shit in their verses. its the convention on alot of sites. and it dusnt mean they are wack. it means thats wt they're used to doing. it dusnt hav shit to do with the verse.

Enhance 05-17-04 07:31 AM

Structure is important period
every true vet uses structures
fake vets who think there dope do this
im have ill~words that can kill~herbs and this punches !"Will~Hurt" and get hit by my "skilled-words"
= Wack.

macKa 05-17-04 07:40 AM

why is that necessarily wack. all that is doing is highlighting stuff to make sure the lazy people (Of which there are alot) don't miss stuff. This isn't about making shit look pretty. its about showing a battle verse in written format. and i kno vets that would shit over ANY perosn on this site that use things to highlight their shit.

Enhance 05-17-04 08:00 AM

Dude keep battling the way you want you will realise the vets will vote for me on our battle and the herbs will even vote for me . . I`m just trying to help you out but choose what you wish.

macKa 05-17-04 05:09 PM

ah, see, now that im on a site that votes this way, ill set my verses out that way. thanks for letting me know wot structure is, appreciate it.

_Dyna-Mic_ 05-18-04 11:14 AM

thats STUPID ass shit right there....y'all gonna rip a vote off cuz some one put a "~" in they're verse to let you know that its a rhyme word?....fuk that

Action 05-18-04 02:13 PM

Yeah, I Don't Agree Wit That Shit Either. If You Don't Emphasize Certain Words, Some Mufuckas Aint Gon Know How To Read It Or Flow It. The Reason for The Bolds, Italics, Symbols etc. Is To Give The Verse A Realistic Battle Rap Feel. Just Like In A Battle On The Corner Kats Don't Rap They Whole Shit In The Same Monotone Voice (At Least If They Good They Don't) Instead They Emphasize Certain Words, Feel Me? So The Symbols And Bolds Are Essential In Text Battles In My Opinion. One.

Enhance 05-18-04 05:07 PM

This is Rb`s style.
Either love it or get the fuck of rb.

L.I. 05-18-04 06:09 PM

i used to use bold.....maybe once or twice i used " "....but it messes up the flow cuz they pause to understand it....they are wack....suggest u dont use them......

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