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DeadLYVisiOnz 06-05-05 11:38 PM

United States Government
Whats yo views on them.

Have u voted for Bush.

Are u a democrat? Or Republican etc.

next time you make a thread... write a lot more...so i will for you

what are your views on today's goverment.. how do you think they are handling the situations of todays world.. in an ever changing political race are todays politics up to par? how dp you think president bush is doing as a president? who did you vote for in the 2004 elections?

J. Luth 06-06-05 12:00 AM


DeadLYVisiOnz 06-07-05 12:41 AM

This is completely boo boo

Cannibal Sativa 06-08-05 05:10 PM

fuck governments of any nature......i am personally an anarchist......republicans=democrats=people who have their own agendas that dont include my wants or needs.....i dont vote because i think we are at about the same status as a country in whole no matter which one of those slimey snake prick motherfuckers is running the show.....bush is doing about the same as i would have expected.....lots of talking and big man posturing while having other people do all your dirty work for you.....hmm sounds alot like every fuckin president in this new age of history

Compose 06-08-05 05:24 PM

what are your views on today's goverment.. how do you think they are handling the situations of todays world.. in an ever changing political race are todays politics up to par? how dp you think president bush is doing as a president? who did you vote for in the 2004 elections?

Whats your views on todays government?
Gay...its developing into a new world order and by inflicting fear into homes nightly they are consuming the American people into trading their rights for protection...and eventually you will have no rights and the entire government will turn into a dictatorship that owns you and everyone you know, but most people are too scared to say anything about it...and those who do get killed, simple as that.

How do you think they are handling the situations of todays world?
Gay again...Bush is constantly fucking with every other country especially Iraq and Iran since theyre the majority of the oil holders...and the middle east running OPEC doesnt help either...so now he tries to butt buddy them talking about helping their people but is just greedy as fuck...and the conspiracies...i wouldnt be suprised if Bush took that guys idea (forgot his name)...but it was to start wars in order to maintain population control...look at him sending thousands and thousands of people into Iraq WHEN THERES NO NEED TO...THE FUCKING WAR IS OVER...IF YOU WANNA KEEP SENDING PEOPLE WHY DONT U JUS HOLD EVERYONE BACK AND SEND AN ATOMIC BOMB...fucking dumbass i swear...

In an ever changing political race are todays politics up to par?
Its the same as its always been...and i doubt anything will ever change unless a revolution occurs.

How do you think president bush is doing as a president?
Basically described in the past answers...

Who did you vote for in the 2004 elections?
Not old enough to vote...but if i could of i would of voted Kerry...and im not saying Kerry is all mighty perfect and is way better then Bush...they both have their faults, but Bush is worse, better to try with a new president then keep going in a downward spiral with a faggot like Bush, then Bush has his redneck hillbilly dicriders on his asscrack...you notice in where i am (New York City)...the voting was like 83% to Kerry...California voted Kerry and almost the rest of the East voted Kerry...were the biggest cities and fucking smartest (not to diss other cities...but its true NYC and LA are the reigning cities...not to be fucked with, if they say Kerry its Kerry...but nooo the redneck hillbillies (Ohio,Kansas,Indiana, etc. all these desert farm animal gun toatin pickup truck motherfuckers voted Bush so they could keep their shotgun...but when Russia,Osama, China, and North Korea decide to end america your petty shotguns wont help shit faggots

and that is all :thumbup:


Keith Moon 06-08-05 06:02 PM

Bush= All Right President for me..

Logic The Goonie 06-08-05 06:10 PM

Bush can suck both my nuts with a Swiffer for all I care.

Magic5 06-09-05 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by Cannibal Sativa
fuck governments of any nature......i am personally an anarchist......republicans=democrats=people who have their own agendas that dont include my wants or needs.....i dont vote because i think we are at about the same status as a country in whole no matter which one of those slimey snake prick motherfuckers is running the show.....bush is doing about the same as i would have expected.....lots of talking and big man posturing while having other people do all your dirty work for you.....hmm sounds alot like every fuckin president in this new age of history

You are a fucking dumbass.

What does being an anarchist solve? Anarchy is complete chaos. With no rules what will stop anybody from walking over to their neighbor, shoot them in the face, and take there stuff? Nothing. It is human nature to want to improve your life, so if given the oppurtunity like that, do you seriously think people wouldn't kill? Do you seriously think everybody would sit around and sign Koombiaw? Fuck no.

You are the most ungrateful peice of shit I have ever seen. If you hate the United States so much, move to Cambodia or something. But no, you continually live in a country where everybody can make money. If you are so content on hating the Presidents of this country then move the fuck out. Nobody will miss your sorry ass.

Magic5 06-09-05 02:02 AM

Originally Posted by Compose
How do you think they are handling the situations of todays world?
Gay again...Bush is constantly fucking with every other country especially Iraq and Iran since theyre the majority of the oil holders...and the middle east running OPEC doesnt help either...so now he tries to butt buddy them talking about helping their people but is just greedy as fuck...and the conspiracies...i wouldnt be suprised if Bush took that guys idea (forgot his name)...but it was to start wars in order to maintain population control...look at him sending thousands and thousands of people into Iraq WHEN THERES NO NEED TO...THE FUCKING WAR IS OVER...IF YOU WANNA KEEP SENDING PEOPLE WHY DONT U JUS HOLD EVERYONE BACK AND SEND AN ATOMIC BOMB...fucking dumbass i swear...

Iran is an extreme threat right now. They do have nuclear capabilities.

We can't drop an atomic bomb on a country like Iraq. The radiation would go into other countries and the rest of the world would hate us even more. There is only a few rebellion groups, therefore an extremely larger porportion of the casualities would be civilian.

also you have to think of todays atomic bomb... they are a gazillion more powerful than the hiroshima...and nagasaki.. were talking about enough power to throw earth off its axis.

Bangalore 06-09-05 02:09 AM

Originally Posted by BigChase
Bush= All Right President for me..

why? he has done far more bad than good...i mean for petessake afghanistan is now being called the forgotten war...we havent caught osama... we havent really accomplished anything except the countless deaths of our service men and iraqi civilians. our economy is in the pits...is a president who starts a war with no real basis a good president?... i suggest you re-think your statement

.KnIghTmArE. 06-12-05 12:31 PM

fuck bush...and fuck government in general...its all fuckin corrupt and shit...but if we have to have a government...its demicrat all the fuckin way...

Viva 06-12-05 12:53 PM

i study government & politics in school n as much as i am against it because no matter what, even if a government is 'democratic' the politicians will always have their own agenda and unless we do vote and apply constant pressure through pressure groups, the government will run shit the way they want to,we absoloutely need the government! w/out it, life would be constant chaos, there would be no health care, no1 to look after education (although the real curriculum of the education system is debatable), no1 to collect the trash etc we need government to look after those things that we dont even consider when criticising them! think about democracy 4 a minute, we as ppl get 1 vote once every few years or so, jus because we vote for them on a one off basis doesnt mean they have to represent our views the rest of the time they are serving thats y i support so many pressure groups, they r our only check on the government, also majority rules and the majority of ppl are mindless sheep that will follow suit, the government control every aspect of our society therefore enabling them to hide things from us and brainwash ppl thru the use of the media etc into accepting that what the government is doing is right which = BULLSHIT!
and as far as the american government goes, i have never seen one man make such a mockery of the rest of the world and his own ppl than george Bush, the man is an illiterate alcoholic ex con ffs! not only is he murdering his own troops, thousands of iraqis and afghanastani ppl, he re instated the death penalty in sum states, killing his own ppl! How could 51% of the american ppl get it so wrong!?
also i 100% agree with efecx

Magic5 06-13-05 03:13 AM

Originally Posted by efecx
oh my god your a fuckin idiot so wat if iran has nuclear capabilities america already has nuclear bombs so wats to stop every1 bombin america because they are a nuclear threat.

answer this y is it ok for america to hav nuclear bombs but it is wrong for iran to hav nuclear capabilites u fuckin idiot thinkin every country outside the 8 richest nations shudnt hav nuclear capabilities because its a threat to america but yet america already hav the bombs n kill alot more people fuckin dick thinkin the world revolves around america

You are not seriously arguing for Iran to have nuclear capabilites?

Iran hates us. Do you not understand that?

The United States wouldn't launch a bomb like that unless we were attacked first. Do you really think Iran wouldn't use theirs without being attacked?

I could give a shit less about who has nuclear capabilities as long as it's not a bunch of terrorists. Why the fuck would I SUPPORT that shit when it IS a threat to America.

What the fuck are you talking about "America kills a lot more people?" So the fuck what? What does that have to do with nuclear capabilites? We haven't dropped a nuke on Iraq. The kill statistics have nothing to do with nuclear bombs.

And no, I don't think the world "revolves" around America, but you must be fucking insane to drop a nuke in Iran's hands.

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