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Dufflebag Boy 01-22-07 03:21 PM

im not RACIST but its true
just decided ta post this because it's true..i didnt write this so dont go pointing the finger at me but it has a real good point freal and i know this is gonna bring up lots of discussion but i dont care its just another race thread posted for the 50 millionth time lol

you call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey", "Gringo" and you think it's OK.

...But when I call you Kike, sand nigger, rag head ,Towelhead, WOP, Camel Jockey, Gook, nigger, slant eyes or Chink you call me a racist.

-You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

-You have the United Negro College Fund.

-You have Martin Luther King Day.

-You have Black History Month.

-You have Cesar Chavez Day.

-You have Yom Hashoah

-You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi

-You have the NAACP.

-You have BET.

-If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.

-If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.

-If we had white history month... we'd be racist.

-If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.

-If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...you know we'd be racist.

-In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights...you would call us racist.

-Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them... they all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, Latino, and Asia clubs were not even questioned.

-You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

I am white.

I am proud.

But, you call me a racist.

Why is it that only whites can be racists?

Now watch, I'll be a racist for posting this

So what? no one will re post this for fear of being called racist

Cola 01-22-07 03:30 PM

the problem with the white comment things....is that....really we have white history month all year....(im white/hispanic)...

White people have The Pell Grants for school, and many other reasources that atot of inner city kids dont have the chance to get..hense the College Fund...

also with the inner city thing...i would really just say that white people made the ghettos...not blacks....blacks n other races just have to deal with our problems that we made......we constantly talk bout how they can get out...but how can they when the jobs they need to get out are all minimum wage n they can't even think bout getting out becusae their debt is just too high?

as far as the white marches of pride...yeah i think thats bullshit...white people should be able to show pride in being white. Its like, hey im white! N im proud....but we are selfs have made such a bad name for ourselfs...no one else did...but ourselfs....so we can only blame ourselfs on that one....

i dont think im right about how i expressed my opion here, n i'd like to see what others think...but good topic Mindstate


KOOL COL-B 01-22-07 03:30 PM

think of tha rediculously bad history whites have of fuuucking up almost all tha other races. ive never heard of white ppl ever being enslaved, or havin all theyre land stolen, or any of that shit. i dont have anythang against whites at all, but i know if i wuz white i dont think id b too proud of it personaly, considering all tha bad shit theyve done. most white ppl now-a-days r koo tho, but yall just have a fucked up history, naw mean? seems like everybody else haz had a fucked up struggle n shit. most minoritys still git fucked around by white ppl today, not all white ppl, but by tha ones they need to b on their side tha most. werd

Dufflebag Boy 01-22-07 04:25 PM

yea but all im saying is that we cant help what our race did and went through i mean we should look beyond our history cuz even though it was the same race it was a diffrent generation of people that gave us a bad name...u shouldnt even be able to give race a name cuz its stereotyping shit...we shouldnt have just black clubs or asian clubs and we shouldnt have any race grouped together cuz people can start judging off of that..like people could start judging black people as furious bacause of what they seen from the black panthers...that aint a good thing its just makin people opininated..if we did something where every race was all in it people will realize how dumb it is to think any race is diffrent

Nynth Degree 01-22-07 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Mindstate
-If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.

It's called CMT.
-If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.

It's called the NRA.

Dufflebag Boy 01-22-07 05:13 PM

^^^lmao at its cmt

Blay'all 01-22-07 05:20 PM

OMG, not the whole WET argument agaaaaaaaaaaaain.......

damn, its almost like its not worth responding to for the billionth time but i will. the reason for organizations to help advance the african american race is simple... they're the ones who need it. why the hell would we have a "NAACP" for white people? we werent the ones segregated against and living in poverty as a result of it. WE DONT NEED TO ADVANCE, we were never on the bottom. its simple.

Sir Smash'Alot 01-22-07 05:26 PM

White people werent sold to other white people then forced on slave ships to come here..

Dufflebag Boy 01-22-07 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by BLAY J.R.
OMG, not the whole WET argument agaaaaaaaaaaaain.......

damn, its almost like its not worth responding to for the billionth time but i will. the reason for organizations to help advance the african american race is simple... they're the ones who need it. why the hell would we have a "NAACP" for white people? we werent the ones segregated against and living in poverty as a result of it. WE DONT NEED TO ADVANCE, we were never on the bottom. its simple.

yea but it is fact theres more poor white people out there than black people...NOT PERCENTAGE wise just in numbers...so ur saying we cant have a program to just help the white poor people because we're white???
im not with the whole help one race but not the other thing we should just be helping all poor people...

Mad Dog 01-22-07 06:09 PM

man nuff people are talkin bout racism in UK at the moment over celeb big brother coz Jade Goody was being racially insulting to one of the indian peeps (whos a bollywood superstar but unknown over here lol) it's sparked an international row wit England and India and top politicians are speakin on it...

Channel 4 were holding talks about BB as to completely axing the show coz of whats happened...but this is what happens when you let idiots into a house with 24 hour footage when they're gonna speak their thoughts without realising that they're being filmed constantly...

blckout20 01-22-07 06:33 PM

I agree with the original post that it seems you have to hide being proud of being white to an extent. However, I am an Irish-American and am proud to announce my Irish heritage but announcing my color is seen as wrong. White people have been made slaves before, but that is neither here nor there. Simply put enough, by not being a minority it seems that blame is placed on us for more problems than we cause.

Key... 01-22-07 06:49 PM

ummm yeah..............

Enygma 01-22-07 07:00 PM

I grew up a minority. I grew up as a white kid in a primarily black society. My school was mostly black, my neighborhood was mostly black......I still couldn't get shit. I would have to travel farther than some of the black kids who got free bus tokens, and who's parents made more than my single mother. Guess who I'd end up buying the tokens off of for a discounted price.......they'd just walk home cause they lived right around the corner. I'm just about as athletic as they come, but guess who always got picked last until he proved himself every year.

Black people talk about all their problems and how they had everything taken from them......no shit, we all know that. What the hell are you gonna do about it now? Instead of sulking about your great grandparents, go out there and make something of yourselves. Go to college......if you make it in, you pretty much go for free. All that "Whites get Pell Grants" shit that was said earlier is fuckin ridiculous. Pell Grants are awarded to just about everyone who applies to college regardless of race, color or creed. Do you know how many "black scholarships" there are that whites are ineligible for simply because they are white? Did you know that George W. Bush passed a bill that allows minorities to get lower intrest rates on their houses. They save thousands and thousands of dollars a year cause G.W.B thought there weren't enough black home owners.

But yeah......everything's going against the blacks :rolleyes:

PS....if I offended you in any sort of way, you may be the problem :thumbup:

Ltizzle 01-22-07 07:01 PM

I disagree with the, "not allowing asian, hispanic, or black clubs" statement.
A good majority of those clubs are about finding your culture. It's a lot of history about your ancestors, and who did this and who did that. I think every race should be allowed that, theres nothing wrong with it at all. If anything it should be encouraged.

I think for the most part, if you're white, dig deeper into the culture bag and rep that part of you. Dont just state that your white, that narrows it down to about a fourth of the globe. Be more exclusive, say that your proud to be Irish, German, Ukrainian, whatever you are. Aint nobody going to get on your case about that.

For the record though, I do agree with a lot of the first post.

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