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Ransum 11-12-07 02:44 PM

mystic. vs Ransum
Battle Rules:

20-100 Lines
No Crew Votes
No Recycling
No Biting

topic.... AIM HIGH....

Minimum posts to vote: 20

Check in by: 11-15-07 at 02:44 PM

Must drop verse in 4320 minutes after check in.

System 11-12-07 02:44 PM

Ransum has ACCEPTED this battle on 11-12-07 02:44 PM.

Ransum 11-12-07 02:48 PM

Amaso Nib Nedal became a leader of Adeaq La under the muslim faith...
who taught America disrupted their ways n were the ones to blame...
He grew up in a place where nothin was safe...
one wrong step and you'd combust into flames from mines rusted with age...
people died from rememberence of a war that continued to exist from before...
supplied by the same country they spit at n swore had sin to its core...
infants in cribs sent gifts to rattle off war cries...
while kids shot guns and played hide n seek in battle trough gore sights...
in the land of sand... as soon as your face stubbled out of its peach fuzz...
your approached and told no longer will you stumble around as a beach bum...
"youve got what we need son"... and they flash the cash...
and tell you all the good that comes if you kamikaze blast your ass...
He refused the offer cause he lived to kill...
his profile fit the bill... so he was set up for his enlisted skills...
enraged at naked pictures of prisoners cornered...
Amaso and his brethren responded by beheadin men they had tortured...
making his way to the top he lead the rebellion...
every now n then dressin civilian to mesh with the rest of the hellions....
he was thought a master of hidin... bombs caused disaster to find em...
while he walked amongst the gathered alliance without battin an eyelid...
Americans found them... and covered by air support... troops came marchin in...
many on the ground died... but Amaso aimed high and had his target lit...
as he fired he yelled "its all about whose reduced into ash first"...
then Amaso and all of Adeaq La got blown apart...cause his bazooka was backwards...

300 J.G We Runing This Rap Shit...

System 11-12-07 03:17 PM

Mystic. has ACCEPTED this battle on 11-12-07 03:17 PM.

Dickard. 11-12-07 03:17 PM

thanks for finally spelling my name right...haha g'luck

Dickard. 11-13-07 02:02 PM


The talk is over, its to late the games have already begun
We intend no pun, tho it starts with the break of the sun
She see's no guilt; but her own son is starting to trip
No is not an answer so she's already departing the kid
Now its tarnishing quick;love has no end yet also no start
Just an old fart, which is why him n his mom wont go far
It's not hard to percieve ones good deed; or is it?
Inside he is full of life, but to others he is barely living
But with what he has givin; oh it really is fascinating
Behind time with out nine lives no time for procrastinating
Now her back is aching, and running is their only option
Can't afford to be slow, unless they like sleepin in a coffin
Or having to just eat dirt, lyin dead with blood on they t-shirt
Eat first? impossible with out food, and now their knee's hurt
Savoring water with each squirt, and not cause it tastes great
The supply is limited, as they head for shelter at the days break

You may be wondering why their running.....

Running for miles, and having no meaningful thoughts
To dark for seeing, and no chance to even talk
Scared to walk, the house and society have a huge gap
And it's to bad, they tried so hard but fell into the jew trap

"gekommen mit mir Jew! Du stirbst!"

They've been caught! feeling the pain of their hearts drop
They were hard faught, Jews bad people? They are not!
Back to the camp, cold muddy now recieving the star stamp
Taunted by guards "thank u for visiting our camp"
Seperated by sex, mother and son vanished from ones sight
A love so strong seperated for longer than one night

"Oh god why us?!?!?!"

The boy cries in despair, seeing black smoke in the air
Screams, cries, shots all these angry sounds he can hear
They only kept workers, and the others were disposed of
The boy was mentaly ill but still he hasnt owned up
His mothers choked up, when she's stripped from her clothes
They skinned her alive; ate the meat then picked from the bones
He was alone, but in his mind his mother was doing fine
Now it was shooting time, he thought "dont worry u'll be fine"

"Line up by height, no fucking around!! LETS GO!"

He was a tall one, he was stationed in the last line
Grasping for air, still crying possibly for the last time
He just asked why, but for talking he got his ass kicked
But was not shot, even when they sprayed their last clip
Another day alive, though to him it was just a day in hell
In his own realm, so hungry straight to the floor he fell
Again his group was called, out the door he was hauled
And it was his fault, cause now in the front came the tall
This time they were brought to the top of this steep hill
The gunman had a grin, you can tell he was ready to kill
He was stationed at the bottom; the boy let a faint cry
As he heard "cock your weapons and boys.......AIM HIGH"

"AGH ..UGH...." and they drop to the ground....

And in an instant, the family's life was over like that
No chance to survive, and no fair chance to fight back
The son was shot; and the mother..they literally picked her
Savaged soliders gone bad due to the works of HITLER!

RIP To all of the people who died in Concentration Camps

Dickard. 11-13-07 03:21 PM

and i highly doubt u wrote that in four minutes...u biatch.

Fly-E 11-13-07 03:45 PM

This was feedback posted for Mystic.
Both were interestin but im not guna lie mystic ur was soo good fam! This shit was hard worked effort sumtin i would buy on a cd to hear the beat and everything that makes the song meaning full! Good job fam and u to ransum!

Cola 11-13-07 05:54 PM

This was feedback posted for Ransum
Wow, i thought Ransum was gonna get clobbered in this match...

i wont vote due to the fact that mystic is a fag....

but i thought overal Ransum's shit was straight ill...his flow and use of the words he chose were fuckin dope....

Mystic, you had the same basic set up and rhyme scheme which became boring as fuck

good job Ransum

Vote: Ransum

Dickard. 11-13-07 10:30 PM

you obviously have no idea what a topical is then do you?

Valiant 11-14-07 02:39 AM

This was feedback posted for Ransum
...checkin pollz..............................yessir

Dickard. 11-14-07 03:33 PM

UPPIN for votes ppl.....and if ur gunna vote actualyl know wut a topical is....not that u can see this before u vote lol

Cola 11-15-07 07:10 AM

Umm, yes faggot i know what a topical is...stop being such a faggot...

You stayed on the topic better, and had a pretty good story...but your format was whack as fuck, it was boring as hell, word's were blah, and i thought Ransum was better...so stfu

Dickard. 11-15-07 10:15 AM

ok well if i stayed on the topic better....how the hell does he win? u cant win when u dont even stay on topic...thats what a topical is a bout...making a verse about a specific topic...and not doing that cannot get u a win!

stop tryna be hatefull and grow up man.

Ransum 11-15-07 11:42 AM

^^^ why are you hate'in on honest people thoughts???
i stood on topic you gave more vision due to the fact of how you broke your verse down which also actully hurt you cuz it gets boring to read it like that and it feel like you giving a story that been in the movies already hitler which people already know the deal mines was more up-to-date then something that was thounds of years ago... and i kept it short and sweet rather then giving s movie verse... but he didnt vote and left honest feed back yet you bitching about feed back?? shut the fuck up.... you bitch made... its like u got 2 mothers and no father... shut the hell up and let the people vote and drop there oen feed back danm...

upp'in for votes...

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