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Daubs 04-05-05 06:23 PM

This isnt just christianity, its all religion. I dont believe because i wasnt brought up to believe but also what do you think happened, "god" just appeared then decided to make the world, i disagree i believe the science theorys for this.

Also i believe "jesus" wasnt gods son or what ever he's meant to be, he was probably just a random guy who could do tricks like magicians then eventually got known for it.

This isnt a hate thread, let me know what you think.

Re~Verb 04-06-05 01:39 PM

yup...i think the same bout the big bang theory...

i think jesus was just a very clever guy...who maybe had spiritual powers (like a medium)..because of the times he was seen as a god...blah

Pandemonium 04-06-05 02:56 PM

I just think the world came about via the big bang.

morse code 04-06-05 05:49 PM

im not really sure about my religion, my dads buddhist and my moms christian but im kinda stuck between christianity and science...i dont have anything t do with buddhism thoguh becasue i never see my father for real, i wanna believe in god but to tell the truth im leaning towards science

Charlie~Manson 04-06-05 06:38 PM

i have Islamic beliefs but since my lifestyle isn't meeting Allah's standards I don't wanna label myself as Muslim until I am ready to honor that title!

FlowIntelligent. 04-06-05 06:43 PM

Well im not a very religious person. Im in that group of people who think their isnt a God unless bad things wouldnt happen. But then again millions of people go to church but does that make their life better or easier? I think it makes no difference, i do believe in God but not to the extent where as some of my friends do. But the big bang theory isnt my idea of how the world started. Maybe there is a God and maybe Jesus was his son and could turn water to wine and ressurrect. Or maybe he was a simpleton with alot of spiritual beliefs and he used that to persuade others to believe he was the son of God.

And one thing i have been dealing with in my mind is how the bible was written with such accuracy.

I mean the publishers of the first bible had no idea what really happened. Granted, stories could have been told through generations until finally someone printed them but who's to say the stories are real and whos to say they arent. Where did they get this information from because word of mouth is unreliable. But thats just my opinion

pInkMonkeY 04-07-05 05:22 AM

I think if you believe in God you believe in better days.

High-Dro 04-10-05 02:03 AM

only don't believe in god, jesus, walking on water or any such things

pInkMonkeY 04-11-05 04:02 AM

i can walk on water.....bottles.

DiSeAsE 04-11-05 06:48 PM

Well, I can't change my religons but some of the stories my nuns and priests are telling me about I think are bullshit! Like the story where Jesus makes a man unblind (im christian catholic), how the hell could that happen? For the start of the world, I beleive that it was the big bang theory but I still wonder how could two asteroids smashing together create a planet like this?

TitoBronsky 04-14-05 03:38 PM

the world is to complex a place for it to have been created by anything other than a higher power, which i believe to be GOD. theres no way we just crawled up and appeared out of some primordial ooze, and started sprouting legs and bodys and brains and thinking..... God knew what he was doing when he made this world... and he is in control of world events. Dont ever forget that. though the world may seem wickedly evil and natural disasters are becoming more frequent as time rolls on... there is a God... and he is in control....

i would be happy to do Bible studies with anyone who is seeking Christ and hasnt yet found his grace... pm me wit questions about anything religious and i'll give you an answer backed by the Bible.

yall stay up.......


S.I.M. 05-11-05 06:49 PM

I am muslim... ther are many sterotypes about Islam since tha terroist attacks

Cannibal Sativa 05-11-05 08:53 PM

i would say just from how complex our bodies are in general is proof of Gods existence....if evolution was true than how come dogs cant talk yet or fish cant breathe oxygen?.....we evolved but nothing else did?......that doesnt even stand to reason.....if you think about how deep the universe really gets how could you believe it all came from nothing?.....i think the bible is written by man but inspired by God.......some of the things that it says didnt come from the mind of any mortal.......things like love your enemies......thats against all human nature

Terumoto 05-12-05 06:30 AM

I believe that hell is earth. And also that heaven is earth... There is a lot more to it though. Its not really a religion just some stuff I have come up with after a bit of study. Its pretty complex to understand, but some things in the bible, other religious historical documents, and normal historical documents back my theories up.

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