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Logic The Goonie 05-19-05 04:59 AM

How young is too young?
First question...

How young is "too young" to have sexual intercourse?

If you're gunna answer, don't just "When they're ready!" explain *when* *ready* is...

Second question...

Do you think it's possible to acheive real true love at a young age? How young? Why?

I'll drop my opinion later on...

Terumoto 05-19-05 06:56 AM

To give it a definite age... I'd say 16. But that's not always the case... Some people arent really mature by that age...

Sex is pretty serious stuff. I think most cats fail to realize that if they sleep around with every fuckin dumb bitch (which is what todays women mostly are because apparently its "cool" to be a hoe), then there might be consequences. Shits just stupid. Like some 15yr old fool that drills some other hot 15yr old bitch for no reason but pleasure... What if she gets pregnant? Then theyre fucked. Hows a 15yr old stupid bitch gonna cope with being a mother?

And what about STD's? When i was at school one of my friends fucked this new girl when he was like 14, a week later he had gonorrhea.

Shits stupid. If you really are that horny go jack off...

There are sometimes I think its alright though... I mean I lost my virginity at 15. But thing is, I'd been with that same girl for almost 3 years before that.

BiZzO 05-19-05 07:00 AM

yeah man i say bout 16.. and i think if your mature enough u can find true love at a youngish age.. lol

Viva 05-19-05 07:12 AM

well i dunno, everybodys different when it comes to sex but i no hoes n theyre like i wish i didnt sleep with that guy,this guy blah blah which means theyre obviously not mature enuff 4 it so y do it?
ppl all mature at different ages definitely but if its only the physical side of sex i think boys are ready 4 it at a much younger age than girls. Girls attach more emotion to it (generally) so thats gon get messy^^^^
plus girls should hold out a lot longer cuz it is us that have the risk of gettin pregnant at a very young age, boyz can jus walk away.
as for true love, yeah i think u can find it when ur very young, thats puppy love/first love w/e it doesnt have to be forever for u to no that it was true! :thumbup:

BiZzO 05-19-05 07:15 AM

very well said... i think :thumbup:

M&rk 05-19-05 09:46 AM

15 is too young because the age of concent it 16 and u can go to jail fuckin some 15 year old bitch.
also i dont for the second question... anythings possible bla bla bla, but life is long so if your the type who wants to live a life fallin in love at a young age is stupid cuz your ganna miss out on alot of fun if u get stuck with some hoe at a young age... i see that shit all the time kids at school stayin with one girl for years and miss out on true highschool experiences like doin crazy shit wit the boi's... but if your a nice lil critian boy and aint ganna have fun anyway when your older u might as well love young and get play after marraige.

_JooKsta_ 05-20-05 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by Socrates
First question...

How young is "too young" to have sexual intercourse?

If you're gunna answer, don't just "When they're ready!" explain *when* *ready* is...

Second question...

Do you think it's possible to acheive real true love at a young age? How young? Why?

I'll drop my opinion later on...

unda da age 16 is to young ya people ta be haven sex...16 is when i feel a person is ready cuz dey done wit puberty and had time to get used ta their body changen.

And i dont feel its possible ta achieve true love at a young age.Why? because ur young,and ya mind aint fully developed on certain things.And also,the youngins bf/gf they got when they young might turn ugly when dey get older lol....ay u'll neva know.But i dont believe true love can happen when sum1's young.

L. Veracity 05-20-05 01:59 PM

unless you're prepared to take care of a child with someone for the rest of your life (not that you have to be together but you're a parent forever) then you shouldn't be having sex...unless you're prepared to cope with a disease that you'll have for the rest of your life, you shouldn't be having sex..

falling in love...that can happen at a younger aGe, but love isn't when somebody breaks up with you and you wanna kill yourself, that's just empty and extremely unhealthy obsession of that person...

as for what B-Gurl said, I don't think guys are more prepared for sex at early aGes, they just think of it different than us females do, attatching more "emotion" to sex and males not attatching much, if at all, emotion to it doesn't make one more mature than the other, it just makes the motives different...

Fett 05-20-05 02:02 PM

I'd say to your first question 16.
And to answer your second question, I think it's possible to achieve true love at a young age. But many young people think they are in love when they are actually mistaken.

DQ 05-20-05 03:19 PM

Sweet sixteen is an important age in my opinion, you become mature enough to think about life, relationships and sex. There are always exceptions of course that can get things straight by age of 15 but I wouldn't go under that...

~Lady Fiya~ 05-20-05 03:37 PM

A young age is when you don't know the consequences of sex and are naiive thinking sex is just something to make the other like you more or so you can feel like you mature because you do it. There is no definite age but if you don't know about diseases what causes them and are plain ignorant to sex besides hearing it's good then you don't need to be doing it. And in that sense, you are young. You can find love at a young stage of your life. It's quite possible BUT i don't think people recognize "real" love until they go through experiences and can tell the difference from your past and your future with someone. Love takes a whole lotta time. You might "feel" that you love someone at a young age but later on will tell you if you right or not.

I do think there are times where females attach emotions to sex. But believe it or not there are guys that attach emotion to sex. It ain't always females that got the emotions. There are some guys who get the idea of it's alright to just have sex and leave as well as some females... Then again, there are quite a few females that live in "fairy-tale, if i fuck u" dreams. They think that a guy will stay if they keep having sex with them. Many of them aren't even young age. There are a lotta people who are middle-aged having problems like that. I don't think age is the issue. It's the deceiving views of sex that's a problem.

CRiSS-CROSS 05-20-05 03:39 PM

The first question..

Well until past 14 you probably won't be fully matured, but I think 14+ is the right age.

The second question..

It really depends on all the factors really. I mean if everything is perfect and nothing has gone wrong, and he/she still likes you alot, it could be accomplished. Probably 12 and up.

~Lady Fiya~ 05-20-05 03:43 PM

12 and up? some people haven't hit puberty yet. my Gawd i hope you youngin's in here not having sex. you know how many pregnant teens are 13 when they have kids.. i hope folks got information before hand. and 16 is STILL young, a lotta people do NOT mature when their 16. Some people don't mature until they are 21. I know many guys and females. But it depends on what you mean as "mature".

~Lady Fiya~ 05-20-05 03:47 PM

With that said, don't be having sex until you can take care of responsibilities that follow. One mistake can ruin a young person's dreams and take it another route including death. Just think first.

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