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strobe 10-09-04 06:08 AM

Write To This Picture: October '04
1 Attachment(s)
Write to this picture by Selen Ayizi Bostan for October:

La Cosa Nostra 10-09-04 08:35 AM

The Intricate lives of others, swaying like trees in a cold breeze..
Knowledge is power, but it all comes down to what the sceptics believe..
Some living trapped within a secret, Some thinking only within the box..
Built in their lives, like they got the keys, but never found the locks..
So as the ferrymen set sale, viewing a freezing blue~twilight horizen..
We ponder where were at, in life, thinking unspoken~much like were hiding..
It took a message in a bottle, to show us how unreasonable were being..
Thinking solely of our own struggle, like everybody else is just a dream..
So as I gaze into the city, remaining distanced from sound and movement..
Listening to crickets, I think.. How human beings can make improvments..

Pop Lotty 10-09-04 02:38 PM

Watched at shore today, a man pick up part of his past.
Message in a bottle, said 'we should meet atlast'.
Man looked in amazement, picture unclear from smokin chronic.
So he looked on the other side...to find that his name was on it.
He slowly starts walking while reading the mysterious letter.
That also stated, 'We need to form a relationship together'.
Wondering, a stalker it is?
Reads more: 'I feel bad for what I did, when you were a kid
'Never noticed the good times we could've had if I hadn't done it.'
'Beat you, left you out to die' those things left him sick to his stomach.
He dropped the paper, backed a way, and then started to run.
But then, he trips...over the bottle, 'How did it get back in front?'
Picked the paper up, noticed red ink, then starts staring at it.
Then he looks down and observes a very familiar address.
'Why is this here? who the hell could it be?
Where did it come from? Why do they bother me?'
Then he concludes his reading of the letter, and finds an answer.
'Son, this is mom, Come see me while you can...IM DYING WITH CANCER'

I'm so deep.

xOverdozEx 10-11-04 12:29 PM

*Im New At Poetry So Drop Feed If You Can Please...*

I've Been Thinking Alot Lately...
I Might Cry

As I'm Dazed And I Gaze
At The Beautiful Night Sky

All Of My Memories And Every Dream
Thinking It Was Meant To Be

All Of The Stuff That We Did...
But Nothing Was Left For Me

Now This One Night Im Seeing
Brings It All Back To Me

Actually Maybe Im Wrong
Maybe This Is What Had To Be

A Night Like This...
...The Same Sky Exactly

The Same Girl That Makes Me Angry Now
Made Me Happy

She Told Me That She Loved Me
In A Special Bottled Message

Telling Me How Much She Thought Of Me
In A Way Thats Not Obsessive

I Sailed Away A Happy Man
With Her In This Low Tide

Now Im All By Myself
Taking A Lonely Boat Ride

Because 6 Months Later
... The Breakup Was Ugly

She Told Me She Hated Me...

The Same Way ...

She Told Me That She Loved Me.

Pop Lotty 10-13-04 09:39 PM

c'mon ppl, post up

SUPERVILLAIN 10-15-04 11:49 AM

".....cheers to jeers....."

"alcohol was my gateway drug...some say that im chasin' a dragon
i've been to the belly of the beast, and to me she's simply saddened
is she a little girl lost? or just a brittle world dropped to fragments
the shards play their parts...broken from all, but still attachments
will i ever find my piece of mind? a peace inside to please my life?
or do i just please her like she needs the be appeased tonight???
will a moment of clarity impair me or just prepare for more that scares me?
i dont know apparently...but hopefully this journey i seek declares me...
a man on a mission for dexterity, cherishing everything that i'd never see,
yet tearing me, booze confusion, do i dare believe? impurity's a rare disease,
someone care for me...im a lost cause, caught up in a vicious cycle
or am i worth fighting for...depicted as a victor, not just a victimized idol
i know i got problems inside, electrified skies, twisted currents in my sea
its my disturbance...but its worth it, a service, alcoholisms perfect for me
its my friend to the end...when all else fails and the city skyline grows dim
it lights my time 'till i show them im chosen...brings me heat yet im frozen
no!!! confusion takin' ahold when....im trying to break away from my holdin's
all that is "old e" is not golden...i stray from decay until i can come home again"

.......yes im keyed right now, so this might seem a little incoherant to the trained eye...lol. i know that this piece's flow might be a little off, but its meant to be more of a coherant rambling. no i dont have a problem.......this is just my interpretation of the picture. (burp!!!)


shan 10-16-04 05:12 AM

i Look to the sky and see a ghostly Figure
the sand on my feet tell tales of a night before november
THe memories recollect as i start to whimper
"DAmN iT" it was all good till someone brought the pills
sam took two and cudnt handle the unpredictable fuel
Cut of his realiti and sent him into a daze
he Fell to his knees and fell into the next phase
He shaked violently and his heart was at its pace
i grabbed him and held him in my arms..
u just cant let go of the unforgiving past

ayes jsut tying this out .. first one.. hope it k.. latas

Spite 10-16-04 06:18 PM

my messages float away into the infinite flow of the ocean with a powerful motion,
hoping the letter reaches the saviours
the day the message is broken the words will be atlantis's newest neighbours
But the delivery has to be made quickly to bring soldiers to save the city,
cave the witty in this one-sided war we have the brave to pity
So please show me a sign since tupac faked his death rap has be throttled
evil has walked the earth and left my mother trapped in the bottle
Sitting with a tail and horn the bastard left my sail torn
so i dewel in sorrow while smoking bud and snorting keys
cause it will take more than 696 characters to describe my insecurities

BkBrawla 10-23-04 05:17 PM

on my boat on this adventure seeking of myself
i been through england water of waves of hell
my farther told me go out and seek ya hope
lookin for da god land i c a land in my scope
WAIT~! dis not an god land dis is devils land
my father gave me an map of devils hands
now iam being dragged to da depths of hell
iam turning my wheel hoping to repel (from da land)
NO~!da blood of whirl pools is strong and mean
being sunken in tha depths of hell where bloods i have to feed
i left a note on tha land hoping someone can find me
but they be dragged in tha dephts of hell like me


streetryda 10-23-04 08:23 PM

wondering whats inside the bottle of this crazy night
abandoned ship, birds seem to occupied to take flight
all the while the city sleeps yet someone is cold and alone
they were shown no path to float came out of a broken home
trapped inside is a message that we all need to recieve
pondering what letters or experiecnces we feed to believe
the moon's taken its toll on the nights worldy oceans
deep blue sea, boats floating on what seems to be emotions
free her from this cage we percieve to be a glass bottle
the she can fly with ease and believe her hights exceed throttle

tell me what you all think..peace~1

Terumoto 10-27-04 07:12 AM

We move steadily towards destruction………… this sight is nothing new to me
More than usually, we see dark lands and dark lives with skies saying eulogies
……The present world is a world where White is grey and former gold is black
Man’s control is cracked. But the fragile keeps us imprisoned, souls are trapped
We build great buildings... but they all eventually drown and crash, towers pass
We wont last, our world is full of oceans shifting sand, the earth is an hourglass
Our icons spot flaws, make statements to drop jaws, but how could critics listen?
Once the sand of time passes… The world will merely be a diminished prison

fluidmoon 10-27-04 11:10 AM

Imprisoned beneath a glass sheath, i hear the sounds of the sea..
Imagining what could have been, but my memory percieves me...
A woman engulfed in the flow of conscious enebriated winds...
The swirling darkness hovered overhead, mocking my sins..
Struggling to survive in a world that never seems to end...
Will they hear me? I force myself to carry on at full throttle..
If only they knew that the message was clear all along in inside the bottle...

.Fatal Lyricist. 10-30-04 10:18 AM

Layin down on tha beach askin myself why...
how come i was i so ignorant starin strait at da sky...

All dis time i acted like a kid a dummy...
God dint think i deserved her so he took her from me...

Imprisoned her in a bottle where she cood neva come out...
Situationz like dis make me wanna pull a fukin gun out...

I loved ma girl, not at one point did i hate her...
I see birds coming, god have you come to take her...

She'll always be in ma heart, nothin cood set us apart...
Cuz im a gentlemen n gentlemenz have to stay sharp....

as you can c da situation's not the best for me...
so i took da bottle threw it and said rest in peace...

lil C.A.L.I 11-01-04 11:41 AM

clouds look weird and so do I lookin up to god is it my time to die
as we close to shore I feel weak dont know what I can do anymore
as I drag my feet behind me getting off the ship I see a bottle my heart omg it banging like a uncontroled throttle
suddenly I feel the bree walkin in cold weather bout to fall from the dagree rocks feel like ice cubes under my feet
suddenly I fall blank out and never get up again so I know the last man standing had another defeat

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