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-   -   Ever seen a UFO? I have! (http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=109255)

Solgooberdier 01-23-04 06:22 PM

Ever seen a UFO? I have!
Who wants to hear this story its too long to type if nobody wont read it.

Yu Bin SunD 01-23-04 06:24 PM

Finally Some1 Made A Thread On This..I Always Felt Wierd Makin It But Ya

I Think It Was 1999 Or Sometin It Was A Wierd Object In My Backyard I Was Home Alone Wit My Sis...That Shit Was Scary And I'm 100 Percent That Was a Ufo Or Sometin Out Of The ORdinary

KoNcEpT 01-23-04 06:25 PM

Kid Musta Been Smokin That La La La.

...OpeY... 01-23-04 06:41 PM

yall need to lay off that deisel lol

EyI-SyTeZ 01-23-04 07:15 PM


Straight Ace 01-23-04 07:18 PM

..I thought i saw one..
But it was a dope silver frisbee

Lethargic 01-23-04 08:02 PM

I thought for sure I saw one. It was too friggen cool. One night my cousin and I were in his room. You know how like...when you're young you're supposed to go to bed at midnight or 1AM, but you stay up till like 4 or 5AM talking to your cousin?(We didn't see each other much...so maybe it was just us). Well, it was a normal night, not too much was going on. Then next thing we know you could hear the wind outside begin to pick up and start blowing at an insane rate. Then we heard this weird sound...it was crazy loud. It was like this siren type noise with a twang. Yeah, that's a horrible description, but I don't know how else to describe it. So, we heard that for a little bit before we realized this light flashing at an insane rate...at that moment we realized...there were 4 lights! They were all kinda like doing a strobe effect. It was crazy...we were scared to death. You know little kids though. Even if they're scared they just gotta know what the heck it is that is causing everything. So, we go to the backdoor trying to see this spaceship. Get out there, and then we see it! ....it was 4 of those little wind propeller things...made out of that shiny material...2 were blue 2 were green. The floodlights were hitting them and the winds were moving them at an alarming rate. As for the sound. His dad had a huge piece of metal leaned up against the side of the garage and the wind was making it moan/wane whatever noise you wanna call what that was. The winds did a sudden rise out of nowhere because of a storm front that hit us early that morning....yep....those aliens are sneaky.

The End 01-23-04 08:20 PM

I've never seen one, but was admist a sighting that resulted in electronics working without batteries or power plugs. (We found out the next day that there had been a sighting where we were.. )

OutWrite 01-23-04 08:23 PM

Yea, i Was Smoking A Cigarette Outside At 4 AM Cuz My Ma Didnt Know I Smoke

AllOvaSudden I Catch Sumthing Out Of The Corner OfMy Eye And Saw That A Small Football Sized Object Was Floating Above My Nayburs House, It Dodged In And Out, Around In Circles, Like Uh..Like...

Sumnthin That Dodges In And Out And Around In Circles

So I Decided THat it Was A UFO.. SO I Picked Up a Giant attling Gun I Had Lying In The Rose Bushes

Fired And Brought That Sunuva Bitch Down, Took My Tottaly Awesome Gun Over To The Wreckoge An Held The Alien Crew At Gun Point, Shot 2 Of Them In The Head Executioin Style With This 45 I Found On The Way Over To The Ship

Then Gave All 5 Of The Others A Colon Cleaning With My Combat Boot I Happened To Be Wearing

Took Turns Kickin Them In The Ass One By One

Then When I Got Tired I Broke Their Necks Put The BOdys Back "In The Wreckoage, Used My Super Human Sterenth To Shape the Wreckaoge Intop A Frisbee

And Shot Them Back Into Space On This Bazooka I Had Im My Back Pocket

Then Went Back And Smoked My Cig... Went In And Went To Bed

Im A Bad Ass

Tsar Casm 01-23-04 08:39 PM

Have I seen a UFO or Alien??..Depends..on what you call that thing in Myk's sigg..

K.Largo 01-23-04 08:52 PM

^ ^ not funny.
i beleive in them shits but never have seen one.
I dont knowwhat i would do.
what do some of u think u would do if u were encountered by one.
ohh and the movie fire in the sky was one of the most scariest movies i have ever seen.

Penskills 01-23-04 10:06 PM

..I seen the movie "E.T"...

Envy Styles 01-23-04 10:32 PM




Sir Q. Layshun 01-23-04 10:54 PM


No I Havent Seen One But Ive Always Thought The Government Hid Shit Like That From Us

Straight Ace 01-23-04 10:55 PM

They dont, but they would..
But then again Bush would probably tell..

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