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∆ P E X X 09-28-05 02:50 AM

Sept. 24th 2005 - The Rush Ent @ Giants Stadium

“Today” actually started off “Yesterday” for The Rush Entertainment. My Cousin Jay (aka J. Bridge) had just skated by and we were lounging smoking like usual at about..12 - 12:30am watching some episodes of “24” and what not and we started thinking about “today”, the first majorly BIG day for us; The Rush Ent. “Today” was the name of the day that, through culmination of connects and performances, handouts, etc, could change our lives forever. That was the day we had a show at Giants Stadium in the Meadowlands. 85,000 People expected, Hot 97.1 and Power 105.1 covering the event, who knows who’s A&R’s and managers out there scoutin – man, on all levels it was big for us and we simply couldn’t afford to fuck it up. We were still behind schedule and with Ox’s mix CD going around, we needed more press, specially since Ox didn’t have J’s tracks like I did, and now some of the tracks on my First album “101%” seemed to be headed in a direction I didn’t want to aim myself so it was time to get on the grind. We planned and prepared for most contingencies in out minds and some-how weed-schemed up an elaborage juggle of 1: getting the 100+ Blank CD’s. 2: Burning em and attaching to the rear of 101%’s packaging. 3: Getting J’s school project knocked out that night (thank you Google!!) which saved us an hour by him not having to run to school and 4: Still get to the show before the estimated 2pm launch and still rip it. Well…too bad we didn’t know about the pitch-black cloud of “Fuck You!!” about to consume us like fat chicks do chocolate. Sexy ,“Rush” flavored chocolate.

Me and Jay resolved to say “fuck 24” and just record the tracks that night, burn em to the second CD that we’d glue onto the original 101% packaging, label with standard postage labels and let em say “THE RUSH ENT. Winter 2005 Sampler. Featuring J. Bridge and Apexx”. Bong, done deal. I set up the mic and levels and J finished writing one track and rehearses two of em, “Air Force None” and “The Image” as I do my two verses for “Come Get Ripped”, lay the adlibs and engineer the monkey piss outta it in like 20 mins (attributed to a new method I use to write my lyrics so I never forget the delivery, avoiding that “re-learn” phase before recording, prolly saved me about 30% of my time and made for a WAY better track) and chipped away at “Stay High” which I aint’ even rehearse really (still written to my old style w/out the notes) so I cut it at the first verse (which is 32 bars in it self) and got J on the mic to kill his two which he did like I’ve personally never heard him spit before. I dunno what happened, but the new mic and J are like separated at birth. It musta been optimized for people with voices like his because it brought out all this texture and color out of his voice that I don’t even hear talking to him live! He killed Air Force None first and brought the session home with “The Image” and we were happy as shit that we’d taken this route. We went to sleep not too long after that (J crashed here on the couch) at about 5:30 with 3.5 new tracks laid brining the total to 10 and set our cell-phone’s alarms for around 10:00am convinced that were on easy street and shit man, by all accounts, we were!. Pftt, yeah, I wish that was the case.


At about 9:35am I get a call from Ox breaking the tragic news that the tickets to the event are sold out. As in gone. They were all gone about three and a half weeks before the show, so we (J and myself) were pretty-much assed out. But not just us, but about 2 car-loads of people that were en route to see us. Our only hope was to go in at the same time with Ox and explain to em that we were in the performance, but immediately found out that that wasn’t gonna happen since someone came in last year the same way and was discovered to have a gun. This fucked EVERYTHING up. Now all the prep and planning, recording, everything was hanging in the balance from a dangerously thin strand we called “scalpers”. That was our last chance to get into the compound and that still ain’t guarantee that we’ll catch Ox before the show or even see it at all, so we went from one long shot to another, then to another which manifested as losing about an hour between phone-tag and “what? We cant’ do that now? Aight Aight..how about..” times about 12. As J said it, “with all these variables and shit, plus how behind we are, this shit’s lookin straight up Un-possible”. Me and J split to start bangin out the CD’s anyway since that was a must. We cut down the amount from100 to 30 in the sake of time and ran with it. Finshed up the CD that I had mastered about 8 of the 10 that morning, still on the same 4hrs of sleep I’m running on as I type this, then assembled everything, tested everything, hopped in the whip and peeled off in the direction of the Meadowlands Giants Stadium. Here’s what the final product looks like:

The supplemental CD packaging is affixed to the rear of “101% Reloaded” in the white sleeve.

As we made our way through the metal and plastic conga-line of traffic at the corresponding Exit 16W, we chiefed on the clip of the longest L either of us had ever seen which I rolled in my trademark “triangular L” style which hits PERFECT till that shit’s about 1/4” long and damn near unsmokable anyway. The funny shit is that this “Moby Spliff” wouldn’t even fit in the Garcia y Vega tube!! I used ALL of the inner paper and outer leaf to roll it about 1/4” thick and had to rock that GV tube convertible style till we took a bit off of it, and even after being “clipped” it was STILL longer than the normal L’s. It felt like smoking a stretched limo. Shit was straight-up immaculate. Shit had us feelin it after about the 2nd or third set of hits a piece and that’s when it all came to us; That this was one of the best days of our lives, win lose or draw. In the face of traffic out the anus, no sorta certainty, and a pretty large amount of potentially wasted dollars on the line, this shit was one of the best days of our lives. Hell, it was our first collective show and it was already at a venue with 85,000 people present. It really hit when we were stuck on the toll lines and I looked over to jay and said “yo, you realize that everyone around us in every car that we can see is gonna hear our music today?”. I put the finishing touches on the ‘Ree-box full O’ CDs’ and had to soak it all in.

Mind Blowing. So like we said man, win lose or draw, we were already miles ahead of the game. But! - We gonna win. Why? Because we have to. Period!!

“Bridge and Apexx: 1. Obstacles: 0”

We arrived at the massive compound and as you can see in the picture below, the stadium’s tail-gate party was nothing short of staggering.

These 12 dudes here are actually rating the women as they walk by.

What you can’t see in this picture is a parking lot filled with cars and about 2000 people just beyond those bins and at least another 1500 behind me. And there were 50 parking lots (we were at 17E) that were exactly like this surrounding the entire stadium. It didn’t even feel like a Football game was about to take place. It felt more like a “Black Cultural Celebration” along the caliber of the Million Man March was taking place with everyone’s proud faces, sociable conversations and Tail Gate Party Barbecue Pit scented self satisfaction. The air there was thick with the smell of some good ol-fashioned home-style real food and you could still feel the bass vibrating the molecules all around you from who knows how many systems that were rockin out there. Simply Epic. But just then, what do I see out the corner of my eye? Something even more epic. A Scalper!! We reverse back after bussin a huge sigh of relief then mentally prepared ourselves for the rape-job these tickets were gonna cost. We pull up to the shifty lookin guy and he says prys the cellphone off his face and says “Sup, yall lookin for tickets”? The natural response was “hell yeah!” and he hit us for 30/each which was a STEAL for what we were getting from em. That’s a BIG play for the home team and big shouts to the scalpers man. Saved us today and that’s word.

∆ P E X X 09-28-05 02:52 AM

We get inside and call Ox and get shit coordinated. We end up meeting with the guy and it was like a family reunion. Ox was all ‘fresh’ lookin with a new cut, new gear, everything! Luckily, we all got the memo that black T’s were in order with Blue jeans and 3/4 shorts as the company dress code. Even without realizing it we all coordinated. What’s fuckin with that? We met up with the last piece of the pie, Killer Khi, a.k.a. Khi Cobain lounging in his mellow-as-molasses-Smokey-The-Bear style in his 929 with one of his instrumental CD’s playing back-up. This was a shock to us since as far as we knew, Khi wasn’t going since he couldn’t get a ticket, but we later found out that Khi was snuck in on some “carried a crate of records on his shoulder” type shit, so I guess Ox and Khi had an equally as exciting story to tell. This was good and bad. Good he was with us, bad that he couldn’t get into the stadium it self. Only the ginormous parking lots – Not something Ox was too pissed about since that’s where all the action was. I cant’ blame him.

But lemme put you on to something about this guy Ox, man. This nigga is good for surprises man. Like when he got his last mixtape hosted by styles P, no one knew till about an hour before it came out, and by “no one”, I mean, us, the niggas he rhymes with on a daily basis. He’s always got some goodies that he was holdin out on, and today, in true Ox fashion, he busted out another one. Ox ripped some verses while we were rolling the blunt that I had to get creative with to sneak past security (picture below). J had the weed to fill said blunt stashed in a similar arrangement and he rolled it to the music:

Doomsday’s Meat Packing District.

That music, an improv version to the lead track of the session, and a ‘surprise’) was delivered by Ox by leaning into the car’s passenger side window where J sat and sounded a lil something like this:


Ox fuckin killed it man. Period. The dude’s a monster and proved it yet again. We now knew what the set was like and were behind him 101%. But it wasn’t over yet. He followed that track up with the Not me, J, or Khi had heard before. The beat was made my Khi and uses a Jaws sample. According to Ox “This is the track that nobody’s heard. Not even me!”. And not even you, but that’ll change when you click the link below.


After this, we flopped our way outta Khi’s Car and tucked the Newly rolled L in the GV tube in J’s pocket. At that time I knew that we had ot take care of something before the day went on. See, we had planned on doing our handshake for about 3 weeks now, but never found a time when all four of us were together. Now was definitely that time and when I suggested it, everybody looked at me and said “awww..yeahhh, perfect timing son!” almost in unison. Right there on the spot we infused ourselves with what would be "The Rush" handshake. After basking in the glow, made our way to the stage while assessing who was there and what the arrangement was.

“We’re gonna let these guys Body themselves”

We shot over to the stage and got our Alien Jizz green bracelets that cleared us to get on the stage and watched the first two acts from behind the scenes. The first dude up was a singer and had a heavy-set killer-khi lookin singer/femcee with him. We knew they were gonna be sacrifical lambs cuz their set had NO energy. None. Wait….ok yeah. Now I’m sure. It DEFINITELY had no energy! They knew the song and shit, but no one was really feelin it like that. So as we’re chillin backstage peepin out at the crowd and shit ox looks over at me and leans in and says “We’re gonna let these guys body themselves and just come through and take this whole shit”. We almost died laughin and knew that’s exactly what had to be done. So, that’s exactly what we did…

They wouldn’t let any recording gear anywhere on or near the stage while performances were going on so we were pretty much stripped down to nothing but our wallets and the mics, which I can respect. Niggas pay hard earned money to get all of us there that day to do the damn thing and didn’t want dup’s of the shit floating around for free. I definitely ain’t mad at that. The stage was like about 10ft by 5ft and elevated about 2.5’ above ground level with a semi-circle of space being the only thing between us and countless enthusiastic and curious on-lookers. Four 6’2”+ niggas ranging anywhere from 220 lbs (Ox) to 330lbs (Khi) were definitely NOT fuckin with that 1-man stage so we brought the show to the people. Right there in front of everyone, we hit the floor and made it happen live and un-cut right in the crowd. Ox got it crackin with” “This is J. Bridge ladies. He’s single. This is Khi Cobain ladies, and he’s single too! This is Doomsday, aka Apexx, and he’s single for the grown and sexy out there. And I’m Ox. And dependin on how you look...I’m single too..” and that’s all it took to get the crowd down with us. We started off doing “Toma” which burned the place the hell DOWN to get it crackin. There were 4 of us with 3 mics, 2 of em some Hitachi cordless units and an SM57. The mics SUCKED cept for the SM57 they had on lead which was prone to feed back like a muhfucka anywhere within 5 feet of the speakers and had some clip diffuser that made it sound like we were editing the tracks for the radio, just live. What a cockblocker! We adapted real fast to these slight obstacles and straight up killed it!! Our stage presence was plain and simply too sick. Niggas just couldn’t resist it man, the shit had people hoppin all over the place. We were pure energy in the form of music, slim chances, and black T’s. By the time Ox did the track “Why you wanna do me like that” over the Jaws sample Khi flipped it was beyond over. The jaws track had old ladies breakin pelvises, dudes dancing, ladies jumpin around, jiggling like WOAH, fuckin…The event organizer smiling his kool-aide smile from ear as he was prolly counting the stacks in his head!

The set was a hit! We handed out ALL our CD’s in the crowd (A solid 50 or so on hand) and got/gave pfftt. I couldn’t’ even tell you how many numbers. That in it self made it all worth it and we were proud of ourselves for making this happen aside form aaaaaaalllll the bullshit that came oozin our way. Our job here was done and we were free to enjoy our meal-in-the-deal burgers and dogs and take a load off as we bask in the glow. Or so we thought. Turned out, numerous sets of eyes had a much different idea for how we’d end that night. Including the organizer, who wanted us to come back AFTER the game was over and do more tracks! But…right about now was our time. Our time for the ones who seemed to want our time the most.

∆ P E X X 09-28-05 02:55 AM

The Girls:

Wow. Lemme take a moment of silence for this first and foremost as I let the visions of all those sweet sweet ladies run into my mind again…

Wow. Alright man, for the record, I’ve never been peeped and duced so many time in one day. For those that don’t know, when a girl “throws a deuce” she pretty much turns around so you can see her ass (sometimes something for the titties like a lean-forward or a jiggle or something) in all it’s round, tender, warm and wonderful glory just as god intended it. It’s like the modern day equivilant of a mating call, but you know how niggas today be, so chicks get smart and run the point game which means a friend stands facing you and monitors/reports your reaction to the deuce makin it the lethal “Deuce and a point”. Yeah man. Chicks ain’t playin no more son. The shit is serious!

We sat down on stage after the other sets were done and yo on the real shit, the other dudes were pretty fuckin hot man. Everyone brought their own thing to the table and had different styles with some siiiicckk ass production all around. We unanimously agreed that if all us acts were pulled together on one CD it’d be an underground mixtape classic like the old DMX and Ja and Jay Z tracks were in the original Murder Inc when not a damn one of em had gone plat yet. A dude “Dolomic” (who flew in from Miami I think) finished the set as the 6th act and well..shut it down. The man is a straight up machine on the mic. His rhymescheme is ever-changing, flow is flawless and keeps you guessing and his tracks say new things and had content. Of all the acts we saw that day, we felt Dolo was by far the strongest solo and would definitely be the perfect 16 to sooooo many tracks with similar feel to his styles that we had recorded how ever long ago. Bong, that was a connect in the making. In any case, we posted up on the stage and ate there. Shit, it felt like we were home. Like, you ever see ball players that always surround themselves with something of their sport? That was us with rap. And a stage. You’d think we owned it. We got asked to take a lot of group pictures and I’d say we took about 4-6 in all. All from girls at that. Some how some way, some of them were looking for an in, and ironically, we weren’t exactly turning down these urban medallions holding the cameras and making the small talk. Khi got the number of arguably one of the dopest shicks there that day. Chick was honestly about an 11 man. Dead real. She had an amazing ass that had a shape like 2 of gods tears that was stacked on a pair of legs that made her look like a prize race horse. Her lips looked like they shoulda came with a Hoover attachment, and she had a short cut on her lid a lot like Eve’s, but with a face like the last chick that won Americas Next Top Model.

Actually, now that I think about it, she looked quite a bit like that chick, except with about 10-15 cocaine-free grams. Err uhh…I mean pounds. In fact, she was so beautiful, for a second man, it didn’t even seem like she was real. Like we all had a mass hallucination. Luckily for Khi, she was definitely real and definitely feelin him. They exchanged the numbers and skipped off in opposite directions drunk off each other like some 5th graders in their parent’s Jack Daniels stash. And here we were bustin his balls for makin goo-goo eyes at the big girl from the first session!! She’s also the one who took this picture:

The Future or Rap.

From left to right: J. Bridge, Apexx (top center) Ox (bottom center) and Killer Khi.

This picture embodies much more than I could ever explain. It shows how well we get along not as a group. But a team. A group is nothing more than an assembly of bodies, but a team – thats a group of dudes with one common goal and one common passion. The Rush.

In any case, Ox ended up getting the number of the best friend of the girlfriend of the promoter of the show’s cousin. Just saying it sounds like some Jerry Springer type back woods shit. This chick is another one that ranked at least an 8.5-9 easy. I hollered at the best friend of said chain of command chick who actually sang in the second artist’s set and reluctantly informed me that her man’s the one from the session. Normally this doesn’t change anything for me, but in this case it had. I had to weigh the pro’s and the cons of getting the number, verses getting me and/or us all kicked out of the show for that kind of unprofessionalism and disrespect. Deaded that in peace and kept it plutonic as J was recommending that we still get in the game and get out expensive-ass ticket’s worth. Good idea J. But as I take the virgin hit of the freshly rolled L, I can see that we’re not clear on the girls yet!


We got followed by a quartet of girls for about 50 feet. We caught peepers looking every where! In between cars, over people, under vehicles, behind barbecue pits, out of cars, friggin everywhere!! You should know that J and I are 6’4” and 6’6” respectively and always stand out in a crowd, so we’re used to higher than usual attention, but this shit was uncanny. We got on line and took our molesting from security before we got into the stadium it self and ascended up the escalator toward our assigned seats in the highest floor and witnessed one of the most bizarre and border-line surreal sights either of us had ever Witnessed. The sheer volume of Deuces and Deuce and a point’s, staring, whispering to a friend, planning, observing and moistening that came raining down on us is of near avalanche proportions. IN FUCKIN JERSEY?!! NJ is the home of the ice-grills mayne. Chicks out here ain’t no where near social like that. They’ve heard it all and to make any progress, you either gotta be A: the smoothest nigga I ever knew, B: about something or C: loaded. The scene out here is tough man, and most of NJ’s residents are neither dating nor married. NY is the only other state that shares that jaded sense of appeal needed to earn this stat so to see a display like this was momentus, not just for “Bridge” and ‘the Ape”, Not just for the Rush Ent, But, for man kind. For civilization. For the fate of humanity…Man, I dunno what these girls ate that morning, but they were obviously pros at what they were doing. In more ways than one I’m sure. We eventually made it to where our seats were to see this:

Section 310’s seats. FUCK THAT!!

Section 310. I liked it, but J wasn’t nuts about the players looking like crabs on his ex’s vagina so we moved down a level to these seats:

Section one hundred something. First level and pretty good realestate.

∆ P E X X 09-28-05 02:56 AM

Good seats no doubt, but even in the picture you can see better ones. So, we do what we usually do when we see something we like – we steal it! I dunno who, but somebody got got for their ill-ass seats numerous times over till we were damn near ON the bench next to the players:

Luckily..this also sat us very very close to the Losing Attrociously (44-7) Morgan State cheering squad. We found out the hard way that we just missed the 1/2 time show by about 2-3 minutes – the same half-time show that about 30-40% of the stadium’s attendance exited directly after in confidence that Hampton obliterated Morgan state. They were right. But it didn’t even phase us at that point. My mind was somewhere between the horrible blow-out unfolding right before my eyes and the cheer squads – actually 2 of them. One RIGHT BEHIND US about 20 feet over my right shoulder and the other on the field. The thought of Morgan State’s public humiliation against Hampton did little to keep the wood down. Just thinking about em again, I gotta go take a cold shower. Here’s some quick clips of one of many of Morgan’s amazing battle songs. Morgan had better songs as a whole, but Hampton had a better band with a less impressive song collection – though honestly, either on any other day taken separately would have floored me. Something about this college big bands adds a depth that you just can’t get out of canned music.

The cheerleaders for Morgan state = goddesses in training. Period. Me and one of the cheerleaders (The light-skinned one in the stands with the arrow pointint to her in the pic below) were peepin each other and makin goo-goo eyes for DUMB long which eventually led up to unadulterated eye-fucking each other for pfttttt.. gotta be at least 30-50 times within a 20 min span which distracted me for about 2/3rds of the 3rd quarder and nearly all of the fourth. Actually, you can still see some of it happening even in the pic. Look at where everyone else in her squad and the people in the stands are looking (at the camera man they’re trying to impress) and look at where she’s looking. Even J flipped his lid after he turned around and saw her. I really wanted to get at her, but the damn security out that mofo was like Bucking-clam Palace and they definitely wouldn’t be trying to hear me coming up in like the last 5 mins of the game in a black tee that says “You can call me the snow man”. I guess Erika Badu said it best: “I guess I’ll see you next lifetime”.

Same cheerleaders doing a slightly more umm…”entertaining” number as the game wound down.

The Re-Up

The game was over with a final score of 44-14 Hamilton with a TD that we still didn’t see land, by the way, and it was time for J and I to skate back to the stage. We funble around the massive complex in the general miss-direction of the stage for about 15 mins till we finally find it. Ox and Khi see us coming In and tell us that we just missed the second session that the organizer had actually started about 15 minutes EARLY. We weren’t pissed actually. Prolly too high to be pissed, but we were definitely happy that Ox and Khi got more performance time. Also, Khi pulled out his Oompaloompa track which was perfect for the Rush artists on hand since it was just Ox and Khi. All accounts of the spectators was that the song was insane. This is a beat Khi made like a year ago that he’s been sitting on. It got bids from some sub-mainstream artists but Khi decided to keep it to himself which is smart, because it really made his act stand out in these people’s minds. Ox did an encore performance of “Toma”. Both original song’s files are found below. We also discovered that They were recorded on a DVD along the lines of Smack and so on that is supposed to be coming out next week. That part got us a little steamed, haha.


“You guys are cheap.”

We poli’d with Kool G Rap’s manager, who we had spoken to briefly earlier before the show started, for a good 15-20 mins. Said we’re the type of group he’s looking for since we’re “cheap”. She had to chuckle and catch her self for a min then explained what that means to her camp. Long story short, we do professional work, for much less than professional prices. That = good. Very good. She seemed real amped and ended up with at LEAST 2 copies of ox’s and mine’s CD’s each and said she’s def gonna tell G-Rap about us and listen to that well endowed “101% & Winter ‘05 Sampler” tonight! We like the sounds of that. Add another connex to book fam. Ya boys did it again!! Maybe this’ll be the one that rolls into a deal, but who knows. Things a lot like this happen to us on average once a month (I remember the Mobb Deep episode, the .40 Cal episode, the TI’s manager Episode, Buddens, etc) and we’re very grateful for it. Fortunately, we’re at the point now where we just seem to stumble into connex to mainstreamers. Actually, I had a brief convo with Black Rob’s street team and handed them a couple CD’s. Good thing we keep our numbers in the cases and on the CD’s ;)

The Ree-Box of CD’s I had left on the DJ’s Sub had been moved into the DJ’s bag, and when I retrieved it, about 35% of the CD’s that were in it were missing. Was I mad? HELL NO!! That means someone somewhere was either giving em out, or stole em. Both are good signs. Ox had about 5 in his hand with some of his as well, but he didin’t carry any others with him than those. Definitely not a problem.

∆ P E X X 09-28-05 02:57 AM

The post-mugging Ree-Box of CD’s. Tired from partying and getting me numbers all day.

As the deep blues of the horizon were overhead, we had finally had our fill of obstacles, events, high points, free hotdogs, beers, and burgers, and excitement for one day. The job was a success and the kicked-down thrown out underdogs came to task, and they whooped that ass. The Rush.

‘Rush memorabilia. This is the ticket stub and access band that I had received that day that are getting framed.

The Rush:
On the real man, you ain’t gonna find another group with chemistry like The Rush. The 4 of us just think too much alike and is on too much of the same wavelength to really fuck us up man and that’s really all it is to it. We see the “big picture”. And we’re in it! Apexx out.

- Ape[/align=center][/quote]

Status 09-28-05 03:25 AM

yo i read it all, lol word took like 5 days to read that , but how much you get payed?

Status 09-28-05 03:26 AM

ohh shit son i guess theres more?

Phenom-in-all 09-28-05 03:28 AM

Good looking out mang. Hope things with Kool G's manager turn out for the better. And LMAO @ dude snaggin the organizers woman. Hope these e-cats finally understand some of us are doing thangs no matter how big or small. holleRRR


..Decree.. 09-28-05 03:28 AM

Thats Dope dooms,good to see shit poppin off..=1=

Tha Q. 09-28-05 06:19 AM

LOL...so basically, u were in the alley bootleggin CDs?


Sik Wit It 09-28-05 07:56 AM

Lmao, that is a shit load of reading, but send me a CD, nah mean? :)

Key... 09-28-05 10:25 AM

whats up w/ the top model?

distilled 09-28-05 10:58 AM

I Just looked at the pictures :)

Acuity 09-28-05 02:03 PM

props dooms.....major props..

Sean Gunner 09-28-05 03:43 PM

Good to see you are doing something, but I don't like your CD cover. Looks kinda cartoony.

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