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SerB 12-25-06 01:43 AM

Can we all agree their is other life outside from earth?
space is huge.

their has to be tons of differnet living things out their.

so I was wondering.... why the fuck earth gets jesus? gods son....

or did jesus go to every other planet with living things?

Past Tense 12-25-06 02:45 AM

Thats for God to know and for you to find out when you die :D

∆ P E X X 12-25-06 03:55 AM

yeah i agree. you'd have to be unbelievably self centered to believe humanity is the only life in the universe.

and jesus is not gods son. jesus is a mortal man who studied under Gamaliel which the pagans that fabricated christianity said was Gods son as they seemingly forgot or ignored the fact that Adam was the first person ever made in gods image AND likeness.

WhoAmI 12-25-06 08:31 AM

maybe there are infinite dimensions and in each there is one sole source of life?

who knows?

La Cosa Nostra 12-25-06 10:25 AM

Jesus never existed.. Yesua bin yosef was a very intelligent man but he was no religious military leader or 'mesiah' as christians would have you believe, and his legacy has been used for evil and lies..

And beyond that, all it is is jewish prophecy.. Why should we buy into their self centered religions..

I see no reason...

As for whether were alone or not, its plausable that theres other species of life existing in the cosmos, but well never find out in our lifetimes unless they come to us unanounced and make a fully public appearence.

Its more plausable that well make contact with a species in a different dimention rather than accross the reaches of space.

SerB 12-25-06 03:52 PM

Imagine if they did come to us and their technology is much greater than ours.

how that is gonna effect the world like whoa.

and i wonder how the morals and shit like that is on differnet planet... like I'm sure they'd be laughing their ass off if we told them what religion was.

Maleficent 12-26-06 10:08 AM

Nostradamus' bit on Jesus was correct. He was actually just a short brown man named Yeshua bin Yosef al-Nazarene who was just a Hebrew Teacher. The story of Jesus as presented in the four gospels of the New Testament is essentially a piece of fiction. There are no authentic references to such a figure in the works of any historians of the early 1st century CE. Paul, for instance, was supposedly Jesus contemporary, yet he never claimed to have met him in the flesh or to have met anyone else who had done so, he encountered him only in visions, as a spiritual being. This is where Jesus became divine and no longer the average hebrew man.

There is a cultural assumption that there are many alien civilizations. Life in the form of microbes or their equivalents is very common in the universe. But in my opinion, there is complex life out there, but human like creatures with reason and deep introspection have got to be pretty uncommon. If you read the book "Rare Earth", the author explains why beings like us would be very rare in the universe. But, scientists have found that deep in the earth, with no sunlight or a lot of hydrogen, odd living creatures have been able to thrive in sulfurous springs and other crazy conditions. So you just never know.

Mad Dog 12-27-06 05:31 AM

see there's a few ways to look at this...

for one...we COULD be the only living things in space...we all know space is a big ass place...but we may have been the lucky ones...

^ don't believe THAT personally but there are people who do...

We aren't alone and we get visited by them little green men from other planets for experimentation...

^ possibly...do we get visited?...hundreds of UFO sigtings are reported annually

We arent alone but no extra terrestrial life has the technology to contact us yet...

^ again possibly...


there are microbolic living organisms inhabiting other planets and in fact WE are the most sophisticated, more intellegent life beings inside this great big marble we call the universe...

^ again...i look more towards that one...

When people talk about aliens, they always seem to ASSUME that we're the inferior species...but what if that's not the case at all...what if we're the most intelligent life forms in the whole universe but we OURSELVES...haven't developed the technology to reach out to other life forms elsewhere yet...

let that boggle ya minds brehs :thumbup:

Maleficent 12-27-06 09:10 AM

I do think it would be totally awesome if somewhere in an extremely distant star system there are extraterrestrials as intelligent as us who probably have even more sophisticated technology then our own.

Mad Dog 12-27-06 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by Maleficent
I do think it would be totally awesome if somewhere in an extremely distant star system there are extraterrestrials as intelligent as us who probably have even more sophisticated technology then our own.

or imagine going to another planet and finding other humans...animals and stuff exactly like our planet...OR...another species i.e cats evolved into a more humanoid type mammal...

Crazy Hades 12-27-06 04:05 PM

What would this advanced technology be? The most they would do is have vessels that go faster than the speed of light. Whee, they can travel an unremarkably infinitesmal distance across the universe faster than us. Or have they tapped into wormholes or some other such stuff?

Why would they even need technology? Would their technology be formed from, say, tapping into the atomical structure of water and shaping it to your will? Who fucking knows, there is no point in speculating until something comes of it.

B. Magik 12-27-06 04:20 PM

I don't get why some people assume that for other planets to host alien life forms, there has to be water. If their alien species, they've probably adapted. Who says they even need water to survive?

King Solo 12-28-06 04:21 AM

I think that there is life outside from Earth. When you think about it there is this entire universe and an endless number of other universes out there. So to think we are the only life is a stupid notion in my opinion. I mean, what are the odds that in an infinite number of universes, WE are the only life.

You watch, lmfao.. one day extra terrestrial life is going to swoop down onto this planet and fucking own us all in a battle with their superior rap lyrics.

Mad Dog 12-30-06 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by King Solo
You watch, lmfao.. one day extra terrestrial life is going to swoop down onto this planet and fucking own us all in a battle with their superior rap lyrics.

they'll do it telepathically and hit us in angles our vocal dialect will never be able to comprehend!

∆ P E X X 12-30-06 06:13 PM

what makes you think superior alien life hasn't existed on this planet for thousands of years and integrated themselves into our way of life. or should i say, integrated us into their way of life.

adolph hitler knew alien life existed. and he saught them out to the furthest reaches of earth and came back with their technology when he created (and is pictured in) his nazi-made "flying disk" (what you'd call a UFO), as well as using alien dna spliced with human DNA to grow his Master Race. Hitler idolized the briliance of the ruling alien class when he unlocked the unity of occultism, religion, and alien life. the entire third reich is but a stencil of their mindset "giftwrapped" with a bow of their technology for hitler in exchange for what they needed him to give to them.

what do you think was really going on in those concentration camps, just erradiction? some of the furthest advancements in biomedical sciences came from the morbid experiments adolph hitler ran on the jews. pretending to hate jews was just a means to rouse anti-semites into delivering millions of guinnea pigs and human sacrifices to him and putting him into power.

btw, john f kennedy (as well as every president in us history) knew that aliens existed. kennedy was set to disclose this information to the public the same day his plans were cut short by an inconvenient hail of bullets and un-caught gunmen. his speech was still written on the card in his jacket pocket.

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