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Logic The Goonie 01-24-07 12:17 PM

Money's importance?
I got into a huge argument with work about this, and Apexx if you read this I'd really like your opinion.

Someone I work with told me that by staying with the job I currently am in, and by going to school solely to learn instead of going so that I can get a better job, it wasn't going to work. I explained to her that with the lifestyle I aim to live (single, one bedroom apartment , basically the necessities) I don't need more than what I would be making in the position. After topping out I would be earning about $2,800 a month, so with a one bedroom apartment and minimal bills I would be more than fine. She disagreed and brought up the possibility of a child to which I replied that if there was a child that needs, I would look into earning enough money to provide what the child needs. Basically, the point was that I don't believe money is important beyond what you need to survive, the rest is luxury. She believes that money is 75% of life (she actually said this) and that the more money you make, the happier and better a person you will be.

Now don't get it wrong, I think money is important BUT only up to the point of survival. I think being comfortable with how you feel as a person about yourself and what YOU are, not what you have, is thousands of times more important than having enough money to buy whatever you want and live comfortably financially. So, which side of the spectrum do you lean towards, and why?

Shear Kaughn 01-24-07 04:29 PM

personally. to me, money alone will not make you happy. yes it will lift you up a bit. but its all in opnion. but if a person strives for nothing but money they're whole life then thats all they are going to want out of life. and thats probably all they will get. and once they get it...they will want more...and so on and so on

Dufflebag Boy 01-24-07 05:04 PM

money wont make me happy but it'll get me to where i need to be

WhoAmI 01-24-07 05:12 PM

money indirectly leads to happiness so it has great importance to me

Logic The Goonie 01-24-07 11:32 PM

Well she doesn't only want money, she wants money so she can have things that she thinks will make her happy. She's the type of person who looks at a Mercedes she bought and thinks about how hard she had to work to get it and feels better about herself. I'm the type of person who looks at how unselfish I'm becoming and how much better it is for myself and others to feel better about me. Ya dig?

Past Tense 01-25-07 12:43 AM

Look at famous people today

Look at all the issues and problems they have look at how there has been so much death divore and so on and so forth becuase of the worship of money


∆ P E X X 01-25-07 01:30 AM

well, some people believe that money is happiness cuz, there ain't one homeless person that's jolly, i guarantee you that. but money in it self won't bring anyone happiness. its what you do with the money that can bring you happiness. i'm a person that likes to give and see people around me come up. now funding their dream and seeing them advancing themselves, that makes me feel good. therefore money can bring you happiness, but it's all about how you use it. if you use it for something stagnant, it won't bring you any long term happiness, but if you use it for something dynamic, something that you cna watch change and grow and progress, you'll see how happy money enabled you to make yourself.

some people on the other hand only feel good when they get things for themselves. they're vacuums and blackholes in that regard and they don't really have an emotional value to them selves usually because a parent or loved one or other esteemed individual in their life didn't enrich them and fill them with that sense of self worth, so they try to give them selves a sense of self worth by stuffing themselves with objects and "things" thinking that somehow equates to "substance". ulitmately this never brings happiness because there is no replacement for a sense of personal self worth. peoples insecurities manifest in many different ways. the same type of thing manifests in a woman that may not have had recieved love from her rather. she's prone to become highly sexually active because she translates intimacy with men to a feeling of worth from a man. the sense of worth she never got from her father. males are subject to the same type of situation where they never feel like they were "good enough" to their mothers, so they sleep around with as many women as possible seeking to fill that void and reassure themselves that a woman thinks they're "good enough".

people's insecurities manifest in a whole lot of ways, and everyone's got one.

Past Tense 01-25-07 02:26 AM

I gurentee that there ARE poor people that are HAPPY!

or people who aren't exactly FINACIALLY STABLE as you would call it

Heres some scripture for you

Matthew 6:19-24

19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
22"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. 23But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

24"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

∆ P E X X 01-25-07 03:50 AM

"here's some scripture for you" lmao.

dude you've gone over the deep in. keep thinking your investment in some place you don't know for a fact exists is gonna get you somewhere. lmao the bible said heaven was above earth. well, since the bible was written, we've been waaaaaayyyy above earth and heaven wasn't there lmao, soooooo...... you keep on believing that, mmkay?

when you gotta ignore facts for you to have your beliefs, something's wrong.

Past Tense 01-25-07 04:04 AM

lol apexx.....you've strayed far away

How can you depend on a cold world that will not be there for you?

Again its FOOLISH not to beleive in God....take a look around you...you honestly think that THIS WHOLE Life happend by chance?.......you obviously missed what Christianity really is.....its all based on Love.....not on doing right,not on following all the rules...for we've all broke the rules and thats what split us between us and God thats why Jesus had to come and fill that spot

If you really were into it you'd know this

Proverbs 3

3-Let love and faithfulness never leave you:bind them around your neck,write them on the tablet of your heart.
4-Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
5-Trust in the LORD with all your heart and LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING
6-in ALL OF YOUR WAYS acknoledge h im and he will make your paths straight
7-Do not be wise in your own eyes;fear the Lord and shun evil.

I have no idea what led you astray...but not to beleive in God is a selfish pride.


Hebrews 11
3-By faith we understand that the UNIVERSE was FORMED AT GODS COMMAND so that what is seen was NOT MADE OUT OF WHATS VISABLE.


La Cosa Nostra 01-25-07 06:24 AM

Originally Posted by Past Tense
lol apexx.....you've strayed far away

How can you depend on a cold world that will not be there for you?

Again its FOOLISH not to beleive in God....take a look around you...you honestly think that THIS WHOLE Life happend by chance?.......you obviously missed what Christianity really is.....its all based on Love.....not on doing right,not on following all the rules...for we've all broke the rules and thats what split us between us and God thats why Jesus had to come and fill that spot

If you really were into it you'd know this

Proverbs 3

3-Let love and faithfulness never leave you:bind them around your neck,write them on the tablet of your heart.
4-Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
5-Trust in the LORD with all your heart and LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING
6-in ALL OF YOUR WAYS acknoledge h im and he will make your paths straight
7-Do not be wise in your own eyes;fear the Lord and shun evil.

I have no idea what led you astray...but not to beleive in God is a selfish pride.


Hebrews 11
3-By faith we understand that the UNIVERSE was FORMED AT GODS COMMAND so that what is seen was NOT MADE OUT OF WHATS VISABLE.


How ignorant of you...

Your religion's credibility is attacked, and you argue as if to say if you dont believe in christianity, you dont believe in god..

God is beyond your frail human beliefs...

Jesus? Give me a break dude.. Jesus hasnt even come.. No matter how diluded your religion has made people throughout the centuries, you cannot honestly tell anyone THE devine religious military leader has decended to earth and fought a war ultimatly expelling evil from the world.

Are you stupid? Christianity is based on the same old self-important slimebag jewish babble that only ignorant fucks take seriously.

The way you quote those texts is sickening.. The only reason western culture is on the bibles dick in the first place is cause of the romans who moulded the religion and its texts to suit their own agenda.. And for fuck sake, belief in god has absolutly NOTHING to do with christianity, belief in god is spiritual.. Christianity is a label given to a set philosophy of elements selected from a pre-set religion who also believe a jewish man who lived 2 millenia ago was an aspect of the creator of the universe worthy of worship on the same level as god himself which is compleatly blasphemous..

And your simple minded enough to have unflinching 'faith' in this old dribble..

Get a grip....

La Cosa Nostra 01-25-07 06:32 AM

By the way--

Money I think holds its importance only as a modern bartering system.. You do what you have to do to be in possesion of it so you can have the experiences in life that come from it.

I definatly think its important.. But in the long run, who really wants to be the richest dick in the cemetary.. Money can only make you happy in the sense that you will feel financial security and have access to entertainment.

You could say money is 'A' key to happyness.. Among many others.

Past Tense 01-25-07 04:41 PM

wow....just wow

thats all I can say

really.....you came up with anyway to try to prove its not real..its all good though I know truth....

La Cosa Nostra 01-25-07 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by Past Tense
its all good though I know truth....

No.. You dont...

∆ P E X X 01-25-07 06:08 PM

yo PT seriously you sound hillarous b. your proverbs 5 highlight translates to "dont think for your self".

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