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TitoBronsky 09-14-08 10:26 AM

Sarah Palin... Against the Seperation of Church and State??? WTF

I dont know if yall have been paying attention to whats goin on ... but home girl is against the seperation of Church and State... so your freedom to believe or not will be violated soon and very soon should she and McCain enter the white house...

Also... shes against Abortion... even in the case of Rape/incest... etc.... So the Republican ticket always claims ... they are for less government.... THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT... This Ticket wants more government.... they wanna tell you what GOD to believe in and whether or not your going to have children...

This does'nt seem like the wisest choice for President and or Vice President this year... but... if Bush got elected twice.... you already know.... the goonies got this locked like fort Knox ... idk man.... The GOP is Complete HORSE SHIT!!! :cussing:

Cola 09-14-08 11:08 PM

wheres Mim's n his crazy defense...

Magic5 09-15-08 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by Pinky
wheres Mim's n his crazy defense...

Hahahahahahaha, why are you mentioning me in all of your posts? Sorry bro, I don't play for that team. I said I'm voting for McCain because of his economic policies. Does this have anything to do with economics?

So Palin wants to make it illegal to get an abortion and Obama wants to make the entire health care system controlled and run by the government. So who's fighting for more government control here? I don't give a fuck about Palin, but the separation of church and state won't be abolished, regardless of whether McCain wins or not (you know, there's this thing called "checks and balances". . .).

Regardless, I've said time and time again that I'm voting for McCain for taxes, and that hasn't been mentioned in this thread before now. May I ask why you keep mentioning my name? I take a sledgehammer to every one of your posts, but yet you still keep calling me out. I guess I don't get it.

Mannie Fresh 09-15-08 08:32 PM

ur defense is so dumb... its continually "i dont care if their views suck on this issue and that issue.... basically every other issue, i only care about ecomonics".... thats such a narrow-minded view its almost disturbing.... everyday McCain and Palin get owned in their interviews on TV, Palin didnt even have an IDEA of what the Bush doctrine was and then continued to suck at bulshitting her way through it....

but it doesnt matter because mccain is going to be able to save the economy.... oh but wait, u dont even think the economy is struggling in the first place....

Cola 09-15-08 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Mannie Fresh
ur defense is so dumb... its continually "i dont care if their views suck on this issue and that issue.... basically every other issue, i only care about ecomonics".... thats such a narrow-minded view its almost disturbing.... everyday McCain and Palin get owned in their interviews on TV, Palin didnt even have an IDEA of what the Bush doctrine was and then continued to suck at bulshitting her way through it....

but it doesnt matter because mccain is going to be able to save the economy.... oh but wait, u dont even think the economy is struggling in the first place....

Agree'd with everything you say Fresh

Mim's is the typical egotisitcal fuck like every other rich white kid.

You can tell that kid has had to do nothing to get where he's at. I can garuntee he came from a rich family.

N Mim's, keep telling yourself that you are 'slaming' my posts....but your just going in cirlces. Saying nothing. You aren't defending your canadaite...you WANT him to run EVERY aspect of your life. Yet you can only honestly defend, ONE point of view. N that point is very bad, as is.

I've already stated that Mccain obviously knows very little about economics...whats your comeback? That he is just reading a book....rofl...or what, was it that he knows more about forigen affair. He himself stated that he needed to read up on the topic, becuase he knew very little.

Frankly, i dotn want a president, who needs to 'catch up' on some economics.

So keep on defending Bush Jr.

Magic5 09-15-08 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by Mannie Fresh
ur defense is so dumb... its continually "i dont care if their views suck on this issue and that issue.... basically every other issue, i only care about ecomonics".... thats such a narrow-minded view its almost disturbing.... everyday McCain and Palin get owned in their interviews on TV, Palin didnt even have an IDEA of what the Bush doctrine was and then continued to suck at bulshitting her way through it....

but it doesnt matter because mccain is going to be able to save the economy.... oh but wait, u dont even think the economy is struggling in the first place....

Whether or not abortion is legalized isn't very important to me. I don't continually say anything, other then the economic policies are the most important to me. This thread is about abortion, which I don't care too much about, so what the fuck do you expect me to say? I give a fuck about abortion? I don't.

Basically every other issue? Really? Name some that I've denied importance to, you fucking idiot. I said it doesn't really matter to me who the better foreign diplomat is, because I think they'll both be fine, and I said I don't care too much about abortion. THAT'S IT. Don't exaggerate what I say to try and stretch some bullshit ass point.

I don't think the economy is doing good, but I also KNOW that raising taxes on the people who generate capital won't make it any better.

Next time you want to make a point, you might consider making it a priority to say something that's not stretched as fuck. I never said I don't care about every other issue, I said the economy is the most important issue to me. You have about as bad reading comprehension as Pinky does, which doesn't say much because he shouldn't have been allowed to pass 1st grade.

Mannie Fresh 09-16-08 09:08 AM

if you really want me to go post links and highlight shit, MAYBE ill do that when i dont have class, but you really are just Bullshitting right now.... everytime someone has said "Palin is an idiot/inexperienced/corrupt/too conservative" or "This policy sucks" or "McCain is too old/has horrible temperament/likes dick/etc", instead of arguing What they said or even closely staying on topic, you dance around it, call them the dumbest person you have ever met, say "i read like the first sentence of your post before i realized you had no idea wat ur talking about", and then finish it off with "Obama will turn us into a Socialist country, only McCain likes capitalism", as if thats even true....

Magic5 09-16-08 04:20 PM

Okay, I'll address those moot points for you right now. I'm not a big fan of Palin, and she may be an idiot when it comes to some things. Luckily, I'm voting McCain for president, and not her. She may be inexperienced, but so is Obama. She's being investigated for firing somebody, but nothing has been proven, and the investigation isn't complete (if you remember correctly I also mentioned how Biden has already been exposed as a cheater, and that has already been proven). She may be too conservative, but I like the tax policies that the Republicans bring to the table. McCain's not too old, I think Democrats are making his age out to be some huge issue when I don't believe it really is. I don't know if he has a horrible temperament, but even if he does that doesn't mean he's incapable of making rational decisions.

Happy now?

I don't dance around anything. I made the fucking thread, "Who else is voting for McCain?." People asked why I was voting for McCain and I told them. It's not my fault that half of this site is too stupid to understand what I'm talking about. I tried to explain it, but then people started quoting my shit talking about something that I never fucking said. THAT'S why I ignore that part of their post. I have no reason to respond to somebody who's arguing a point that I never said anything about. I don't read posts from people who say shit that has no relevance to ANYTHING I was talking about. I was talking about the economy, and you come in my thread like, "Well Palin is a bad VP!!," and you really think that merits a well thought out response on my part? If you want to talk about how shitty you think Palin is then have a fucking field day, but don't expect me to come in there defending her for the fuck of it.

Obama will turn the economy more socialist then it is now. That is true. That is not debatable. This country has some socialist factors now, but for the most part I think it's necessary (i.e. the government controls the public school system, owns post offices and railroads, etc. etc.). I don't support nor think it's necessary to raise taxes to 50% on the people who generate all the capital in this country. That would be more socialist then it is now, as you're taking more wealth from people and redistributing it to lower income people. Get the fuck out of here with, ". . .as if that's even true," like I'm saying something inaccurate here. If you redistribute MORE of the wealth tomorrow then you do today, then the economy will be MORE socialist tomorrow then it is today. That is a fact. You trying to debate with me about whether that's true or not is absolutely pathetic.

Mannie Fresh 09-16-08 07:37 PM

exactly how is Obama inexperienced tho? you cant even come CLOSE to equating obama's "inexperience" to Palin's... and if anything Biden is more experienced than everyone on either side....

and second off ur Voting for McCain AND Palin... im pretty sure that is what you ballot will say... are u somehow going to cast your vote for only McCain in November... i think not, so stop sidestepping her as if she is of no consequence is ridiculous... and whether not they can ever actually Prove the investigation against her, everyone knows the truth about it, shes just the governor, she is capable of covering those things up... but its not just a "rumor" that she fired a librarian so she could ban certain books in the library... theres millions of counts against her, but i wont continue to dwell on it anymore

btw... the world average lifespan is under 70.... and McCain, you know, hasnt been able to raise his arms above his head since he was like 30, and has battled cancer a couple of times... ive heard of "what doesnt kill u makes you stronger" but thats fuckin pushing it..... i think his age is a Bigger issue than people even let on

Cola 09-17-08 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by Mannie Fresh
exactly how is Obama inexperienced tho? you cant even come CLOSE to equating obama's "inexperience" to Palin's... and if anything Biden is more experienced than everyone on either side....

and second off ur Voting for McCain AND Palin... im pretty sure that is what you ballot will say... are u somehow going to cast your vote for only McCain in November... i think not, so stop sidestepping her as if she is of no consequence is ridiculous... and whether not they can ever actually Prove the investigation against her, everyone knows the truth about it, shes just the governor, she is capable of covering those things up... but its not just a "rumor" that she fired a librarian so she could ban certain books in the library... theres millions of counts against her, but i wont continue to dwell on it anymore

btw... the world average lifespan is under 70.... and McCain, you know, hasnt been able to raise his arms above his head since he was like 30, and has battled cancer a couple of times... ive heard of "what doesnt kill u makes you stronger" but thats fuckin pushing it..... i think his age is a Bigger issue than people even let on

rofl...holy fuck. Your kidding me?

Def. the type of open minded lady i would want to vote for.

TitoBronsky 09-17-08 07:55 AM

I think yall missed the tittle of this thread though...

They wanna do .away with the seperaration of church and state.... that's what your voting 4 if u vote republican this year!!!!!

09-17-08 09:49 AM

It's information like this that doesn't get out to the common public. I've learned a lot from being around people in airports and talking to my family members down in Alabama about how and why they are voting.

everything is misconstrued because the news drops a little bit of information about this and that every now and then, thus the people that receive a little bit of information have all the wrong reasons to vote.

From the start Mccain has been called a terrible choice, him and Huckabee was proclaimed this nation's nightmare, but he threw Palin on and the women voters disgraced themselves by proving it's over 70% prejudices.

Let's look at the facts here too, over 70% of black people voting for Obama. Over 70% of women were voting for Hillary. Now since Hillary lost to Obama, over 70% of women are voting for Palin. It's ALL prejudices. . . No one has a real good reason to vote. I suggest decency, but that isn't good enough for a lot of people. Tito has his head screwed on about morals. Anyway, like I said I'm in Alabama, I was just cruisin' through to see what was goin' on ... I'd like to drop some information on what I've learned from my family down here and get some feedback.

peace tho ..

Mannie Fresh 09-17-08 11:19 AM

yea.... its all just about images... its fucked... the day before Palin was chosen Obama had a 12 point lead over McCain with white women... a week after Palin was chosen McCain all of a sudden had an 8 point lead with women... which just raises one conclusion to me: These women most likely favored Obama's policies, his leadership abilities, or just straight up his character more than McCain, but they place their own Sex over the actual politics.....

btw, Tito i didnt drift too far from the subject... Palin was trying to ban books on evolution in the library.

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