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-   -   Well, there's about to be a rush of inflation. (http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=247601)

Magic5 09-18-08 10:21 PM

Well, there's about to be a rush of inflation.
Prepare yourself.

Despite the fact that today was the best day in the stock market since October 2002, as over 10 billion shares of stock were traded today, there's still going to be a lot inflation in the near future.

The government is trying to maneuver around it, but there's no plan to stabilize the value of assets. Of course, if they do somehow pull of the hail mary people will call them heroes, but that's not looking very likely.

Here's why the printing presses are about to be turned on, and why we're going to need them to be turned on. You have 3 choices:

1. The value of assets can decrease.
2. The value of assets will stay relatively the same, but the cost of living will be higher.
3. The value of assets will be stable.

Obviously we would all choose #3, but right now that's not happening. The government is working to make that happen, but I doubt they'll succeed and the market agrees with me. The reason the price for an ounce of gold has gone up $100 in the last 2 days is people are expecting inflation.

Back to the choices. Now that we're probably not going to achieve 3 in the very near future, we have to choose between 1 and 2. You can choose deflation or inflation. If we choose deflation, we will go into a depression. If businesses are losing money when they're producing goods and services, they will stop producing goods and services. We can't have deflation, so 1 isn't an option. 2 is the default choice, and for that reason, the market is anticipating inflation in the near future.

If there is inflation, which is looking extremely likely, there will be dumbfucks who don't understand anything blaming the government and crying about it, but it is necessary. You will be able to cry about the price of food (or anything else), but at least you'll be able to buy food. At least you'll have a job to pay for food. If we take #1 on my list, we will go back to at least 25% unemployment and you will be fucked.

The government is going to try and do everything possible to avoid going into a depression, and that's going to lead them to flood the market with money. That flood will lead to inflation. We need that flood of money.

I can't wait to read the threads on here from people who don't understand shit, criticizing and ridiculing it. You guys will probably hop in here pretending like I don't know what I'm talking about and swing it around to McCain, when this has nothing to do with him, and I will respond once or twice then ignore the rest of your posts like I've done in every other thread. I can't wait!

Magic5 09-18-08 10:32 PM

Oh, and just to clarify, a depression is a deflationary cycle, and that's why the government will never take #1 on my list. By flooding the market with a lot money and causing inflation, they will prevent a depression from happening. There will not be a depression.

Blay'all 09-18-08 10:53 PM

What the fuck? Nothing that you just typed makes any sense whatsoever because you can't read. This is why you obviously are not reading my post right now. Try stepping up your reading comprehension skills before you address me again. This post invalidates anything that you just said and, believe it or not, I just actually made an argument.

McCain '08!!!!

Magic5 09-18-08 11:08 PM

Wow, you have me nailed man. That was the exact post I was going to use. I'm just surprised you didn't come in here mentioning something completely irrelevant like you and most of this site always seem to do. Talking about, "Inflation? HAVE YOU SEEN HOW BAD OF A VP PALIN IS LOOKING TO BE?!," and the anger that ensues when I don't respond with an actual argument because of how out of place your point is.

Only on rapverse!!

Blay'all 09-18-08 11:19 PM

^ alright, i understand what you're saying there... and honestly, i feel like the reason for that is becuase of the sense of intense competition that this election season has bred. its like as soon as somebody says anything political whatsoever you (not you specifically) automatically group them in with the supporters of the candidate that you love/hate and want to immediately have a debate with them and throw all the complex arguments at them that you developed in the shower when nobody was there to debate against you lol.

Blay'all 09-18-08 11:27 PM



Magic5 09-18-08 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by S U N D A Y
^ alright, i understand what you're saying there... and honestly, i feel like the reason for that is becuase of the sense of intense competition that this election season has bred. its like as soon as somebody says anything political whatsoever you (not you specifically) automatically group them in with the supporters of the candidate that you love/hate and want to immediately have a debate with them and throw all the complex arguments at them that you developed in the shower when nobody was there to debate against you lol.

See, I can respect that. I just made a thread a week ago asking, "Who else here is voting for McCain?" without ever intending to argue with anybody. People came in and asked why I was voting for McCain and I said the main issue (note - not the only issue, just the one most important to me) was taxes and the economy, and I explained my point to people like In-Vision and Logic. They took what I said, and regardless of whether they agreed with me or not, just let it be what it is - my opinion. I never insulted or said anything degrading or anything like that to them, it was just a discussion.

But then, people started coming in my thread asking about shit that I didn't really care about, and started getting mad when I said I didn't really care about it. Like, "Who do you think will be the better foreign diplomat?" I said something like, "Don't know, I haven't looked enough into it," and then these dudes start saying shit like, "Oh, you're just voting for McCain for one reason!" I could have lied and said I knew about foreign policy and shit, but I didn't because I thought people would respect that more, but I guess not.

And shit like that just kept happening. I'd talk about the economy and they'd quote my post saying, "But Palin is a bad VP!" You can't tell me that that's good reading comprehension. Don't quote my post like you're responding to what I said, and then say something that has nothing to do with what I said. That shit annoyed the hell outta me, so I started changing the tone I was using when I was talking to some of these dudes.

I guess that's just the way it seemed to play out from my point of view. I've said time and time again that I don't have anything against the prospect of voting for Obama. If you have different values or beliefs then I do, then vote for him. It's fine. But don't ask me why I'm voting for McCain then call me out like I'm an idiot for valuing something different then you do. That's where I've been coming from.

I think you're right though. There is a lot of competition right now, but I never meant to start an argument here by making my thread. I just thought there may be 1 or 2 more people here who would vote for McCain, but I was wrong.

Magic5 09-18-08 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by S U N D A Y


Hahahahahahaha, McCain's face makes the picture. What a G.

Chris Stylez 09-19-08 12:58 AM

I understand. But im still going to complain. Complaining makes me feel better. But i know what im buying. More bullets. Some convience stores are going to get robbed. This 5 dollars a gallon for 2% milk is killin me

Cola 09-19-08 07:55 PM

SO you wouldn't agree that its bull shit that the goverment basically just bailed out major companies, beacuse the companies...in a free market system fucked themselves?

your the big guy who is all about capatlism.....

well mother fucker, this whole thing isn't a free market ne more.

Who gives a fuck if some insurance company goes belly up...i sure as fuck dont. Maybe they shouldn't be such dipshits....maybe they shouldn't have been so fuckign top heavy...and they may have been able to do something about it

Dont belivie me? Look @ the auto makers....they are taking huge cuts, but not one of them is getting bought out by the fuckign goverment...

i know all the comparsions to the depression...adn that if nothign were to have happened, we were going to be dead...blah blah blah...

who's to say? Nobody....now we just bought ourselfs 2 more iraq wars. yay!

Mannie Fresh 09-19-08 09:01 PM

i still dont see how its out of line to talk about the Palin VP pick and foreign diplomacy in a "Who's voting for McCain" thread, but i'll leave it be.... cuz that was out of line by all of us....

but i agree with ur comment on the economic crisis, too bad most people cant do shit about it

Also Known. 09-20-08 05:05 AM

I may sound paranoid and seem to just be thinking up conspiracys but take this into mind it makes sense. The government is doin this shit on purpose. Inflation in price causes rise in crime by default. They want us to wipe each other out and by "US" i mean the poor, not a particular race. They want perfect America thats when option #3 becomes available. My advice to you... spread the word tell people to stay calm and stick together. Its like the bus situation back in the days. They want us to move but were gonna stay in positon its the most effective way to rebel.

9/11 was not an accident, pre meditated
Hurricane Katrina could have been handled A LOT better
The Oil refinery that just got took out in Texas which is gonna make gas prices go up will be played in the Govs favor
America is destroying itself trough greed.

The world may not end 2012 but if things continue this way there may not be civilization on it.

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