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Old 12-19-03, 10:02 PM   #10
a perfect imperfection...
Symilee's Avatar
Posts: 347
From: DC

fuck. keystyled. Havent done this in so long, but here goes...

Your far from ill! fuck coming nice, ima rush him for the kill...
Thought u had the step ahead in this...but your standing still...
Instill the kill, like a dj i'll scratch, cut, and mix up your record...
Call me Home Improvement...Ill drill this bitch like Black & Deckard...
Change your name to pavement...the way i pound you into the ground...
Like centers in schools, I see your wackness coming out...Lost & Found!
Kill you with nouns, this should be illegal like police reports...
If I lose? Its no biggie...because I can always turn to your mom...
for oral support!
I abused it...I make kills soft, personal, and quick so call my style acoustic...
I come sick...and slam his mug into audios...just so he can face the music!
No win in sight...even though ur a still cant come tight...
Cuz I get Technician so lighted up...his ass will start to glow in the light!
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