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Old 12-21-03, 06:53 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Question About Multi's


I know heaps of the tutorials explain it, but they all give different views. I want a vet who can use consistent multi's to tell me exactly what they are.

I know in general they are multi-syllable rhymes, but I'm confused as to one thing.

How the fuck can you scare somebody with a gun-threat
When they're high over drugs they haven't even done-yet

^ Lame example I know, but I'm listening to Slim Shady LP right now... ^

thats two words that rhyme in the same position and im pretty sure thats a multi.

But is this also a multi:

It all started when my mother took my BIKE AWAY
Cos I murdered by guinea pig and stuck him in a MICROWAVE

thats actually not 3 words rhyming in the same position (since microwave is one word) but its 3 syllables... it has the same effect, but its easier to do since you dont need more than one word, just a word with more than one syllable.. another example of that is

So I'm dumb enough to ask for a date with LAURYN HILL
Some people only see that I'm white, igNORIN SKILL

u see how the same syllable positions rhyme, but they arent actually whole words that rhyme?

so which is a multi... all 3 examples... or just the 1st?

ps. i know i prolly dont make sense but hey, i tried

pps. only ppl who actually are sure of this please, like a vet etc.
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