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Old 12-21-03, 06:07 PM   #6
Silverwolf's Avatar
Posts: 184
From: The Quah

mc nookie u half wiggar half computer hacker...
it may suck but this battle won''t make u any blacker...

fuck milk get pot, now i know the reason u so wierd...
get the hell out of RB before a grow a beard...

Ur puches aren't hitting and ur personals aren't personal...
All i need is a few good lines then the battle for me is downhill...

u wish u got nookie, but u just a poser on the mic...
u only get nookie when people pay u cuz ur a dyke...

This rap was shit, even the voters know that...
U wouldn't last a second in mortal combat...

I don't need a good closer for this shit...
But ill let u try again, just resubmit...

Look at my avatar, im tearing u to shreds...
cuz u couldn't beat me if u got rhymes from every redhead...
There we go this shit is over, like a old couples sex in bed...

wow that was shit i just typed...oh well i think i still won lets get some votes...ull have to up nookie cuz i gotta go to that X-mas party...i don't even care if i lose this was the worst piece of shit i have typed since my first battle