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Old 12-22-03, 12:56 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Homeless Skitten


Replied to:

12 months by CrackaBox187
Entro: by Scit Free
My shit by lyrical killer

Just some shit I threw together at like 4 in the morning

I haven't exactly been kicked out yet
But my mom has been a strict scout with threats
It causes conflict... a new route with cigarrettes
Now I'm an addict and I'm cute with regrets
I'll hitchhike through the fuckn' interstate
I'm on strike with a tatoo and a date
His name is Mike with a crew and a prostate
We'll travel through the lands looking to rap
answer my demands and look at the map
we are going the wrong way in this desert
Do I really belong stray with this pervert?
You are not strong prey... I'll save my damn flirt
Now my thong is decay and it fuckn' hurts
Let's just go back home now before I die
And I'm high so this is goodbye damn prick
I'll apply and I won't deny a job
Lets next July travel the fuckn' globe
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