Thread: My Word...
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Old 12-22-03, 09:43 PM   #1
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My Word...


Bare with me on this one. It was part of an improvisation thing with other people. It's kind of out of context in a way. But that's part of the point.

"My word that nigger can fly"
He's won Gold black to white
"Did you hear his mother cry?"

"In my bed dark at night"
Her tears oil my body
"She's quite a desperate sight"
Darkness has it's place with me

"She screams for joy right now"
Ugly bastard bucking shit bints
"What tired deed....."

"Echoing time with my fury"
Rubber toys bring most pain
"A horse to rent n ride.."
Coins of fear work too..
"She's my bitch nothing more"..
So size and forms matter none

“Kill him!” Say the hooded clans
Hypocrites to hollow thoughts
“Can’t be lovin’ no colour”
Pale face coloured rich red
“We’ll beat him black”
Do they forget the blue?
“Now where my shotgun be?”
Shells that bruise indeed

“I don’t love no caramel”
Fear runs melon yellow
“But lightly on my vanilla”
Once savage now so mellow
“Kill THAT monkey boy instead”
Arms shaking covered in sweat
“He does not know his place”

“Foolish boy they are animals”
Filling holes with fleeting logic
“So they run good”

“Put down the frothing animal”
Die sweet ass African candy
“Make his face into nothing”
To ram and enter no more

“Momma what happened”
They talked too loud is what..
“Bodies lying everywhere”

“Their God took them away”...
White evolution need no passengers
“We masters need to be wary”..
Tables turn in savage circles
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