Thread: My Word...
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Old 12-23-03, 05:08 AM   #4
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very very deep......reminded me of a book by richard wright its called native should check it on to the poem...

Echoing time with my fury"
Rubber toys bring most pain
"A horse to rent n ride.."
Coins of fear work too..
"She's my bitch nothing more"..
So size and forms matter none

i like how descriptive this is......but not only that it also has a lot of historically women have been degraded and thought very low of for a long time.....

“I don’t love no caramel”
Fear runs melon yellow
“But lightly on my vanilla”
Once savage now so mellow
“Kill THAT monkey boy instead”
Arms shaking covered in sweat
“He does not know his place”

my favorite part not only is it deliciously descriptive but it captures the pure animal ignorance and fear that accompanies racial are killing them with this piece......i need to come back and look at this again and again......
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