Thread: First audio...
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Old 12-23-03, 07:58 PM   #8
rellik's Avatar
Posts: 103

Lmao, so much for honesty...

Well yea, my honest opinion, whether ir be incredibly harsh...that was let-down.

Yea, it was your first.
Yea, since it being your first, you don't know what the fuck you're doing...kind of in terms of your virginity.

Hopefully that guy you were collabing with knew what he was doing...but it doesn't seem he did, so shoot him too.

Vocals need a major touch up. I mean, it being your de-viriginizing song, doesn't render the excuse for horrible vocals and mediocre lyrics. C'mon girl, we need the femrep here.

The beat...just a wrong choice for the song. Too harsh. It seems you too were going for a "Dilemma approach"...but fell way too short for that. Never try to over-ride the song with too many words, whether they are the shiznits.

I haven't got much more to say than...apply for vocal lessons at your near by voice training institute...and assasinate cloud9.

Just my honest opinion along with my $0.02
My conscience was fucking with I shot it
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