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Old 12-24-03, 10:25 AM   #73
Banned: Racism
Posts: 834
From: the illa philadelph

omg i am a philly cat and if he stepped foot on my block he would get fuckin kidnapped and stabbed like 80 times

in philly we rock camo suits, tims, white tees, black tees( they stop at about our knees not our fuckin ankles), girbauds, arme clothing, not southpole and not dresses unless you work on south street a.k.a a hooker dont disgrace philly

and your fuckin clothes dont even match plkus you cant rap wit your baby nuts go jump in the delaware you fuckin faggot

as to the rest im sorry for young p but philly is not like that okay central philly aint the most gangsta place either im reppin north philly, my boys n west philly, and i know sum cats in south philly

hes reppin northeast, my philly aint like that

young p, where you reppin matter of fact gimme your number and address so i can come and kidnap you, remove your stomachs and toss you in the fucin woods you bitch
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