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Old 12-24-03, 03:05 PM   #64
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Coherence

Wow, That Was Ghey...

What I Said Actually Had Some Truth
In It...Your Just Another Stan...

Okay, you're so fuckin stupid I don't know how your brain successfully sends the signals to your respiratory system to maintain your breathing. I'm a Stan? Find one post where I say some fan boi shit like "OHMIGOD EMENM ROX UR SOXXOERZ!!!!ONEONE HE PWNS JOO!!!ELEVENTY!!!ONE" You can't because I'm not on Em's dick. The shit he's come out with in the last 3-4 years is crap. Benzino, on the other hand is the foulest, most suicide inducing crotch-vomit I've ever heard burned onto a compact disc with lasers. So it's a matter of sucks and the epitome of trash. Get the fuck outta my grill with your stan bullshit, pussy.
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