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Old 12-24-03, 06:06 PM   #35
Straight Ace
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Posts: 984
From: Edit.

It's often foolish, not mutual n ur heart..feelin neglected..
Cherishin' hopes, tho the upshot is hardly what u expected..
Cruel, tho u return..escape aint on ur mind..second chance..
Cliché..u mentally crawl as tender lips say 'we're just friends'..
Still the glimpse of hope live on another day..
The fades away, but could return in from of dismay..
It seems like the end of the world, society seems ruthless..
At home infront of the mirror realizin that shirt was useless..
Ego collapses as tears unite.. in the corner of ur eyes..
In silence dwellin' are we truely destined to live seperate lives

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