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Old 12-26-03, 11:19 AM   #2
Posts: 2,104

Im here..
to enter his Hemisphere & leave it dark kid
cause i got the win covered with Walter Wall Carpet
i falter all who start shit.. & stomp competition flat
so i'll just leave Walt alone....
.......................... he's not even ^^^ close to that
am i suppose to Act..
like its pitch Black, all scared & frightened ??
if that's the case..
Rich'll just Punch Directly thru Wall & let some Light In
your not exciting.. Walt's writings have hit the edge
so i'll take him 1 step further.. & throw him from WitsEnd
he hasn't done shit w/ the pen.. but, he SHOULD be proud
cause after all...
i DO like to read his text.........THEN... laugh out loud!!!!
& he can talk about how... my structure doesn't seem to fit
but i promise i'll get it fixed.......
.................................................. right after I beat him with it
he was seeded to sit.. in this tournament w/ a spot of his own
but like an exposed secret... his spot's been blown
out of the water... he's now out of the order.. riding the pine
& the only time i'll ever take a Step Back... is to Crush his Spine
im done, last lines... i got no patience for this fag at all
& his lovers feel the same way....
that's why the put thier head's thru Wall (other head)

Okay, i guess should put this Closer:
Walt still has battle records in his sig..(newb) battle over

*edited for spelling*