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Old 12-26-03, 10:26 PM   #22
Posts: n/a

Myvote goes to Slim Thug.
I Liked both of the drops. Definitely.
Walter Wall had good punches (as did Slim) but they were not as original.
Both of you had good structure so i give a tie in that dept. Walter's looked better (less filler) but they both flowed.
The both of you came out hard and kept swinging til the end so in the sustainment dept. I also give a tie.
The meta's were there on both parts but as I said I feel that Slim was a lil more off the beaten path. So I give this category to him for his originality.
All in all the battle was close. But I feel that Slim was more creative with his drop and therefore I give the battle to him.

Need a mod to poll this.