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Old 12-27-03, 11:50 AM   #4
wanna play doctor????????
Thrust's Avatar
Posts: 16

A wealthy man flip-flopped to a mass of particles
Usta rule world's...and now is just paired molecules
In a critical condition, His life came up vanquised
And his only rememberance is pictures n paintins
When the wind hurls, His voice drifts soft spoken
Molecules clash, & it resembles how his hearts broken
His esophogous choken, A solid H2O has him frozen
When he speaks...It goes to a liquid n' starts floatin
A free fall, Cuz the sun rays disparse his presence
Creates him into a gas that gives off hideous essence
His attendence is near, You can hear his moans
How shameful he remains...Away from his throne
Sat erectly upright on it...Plated with ruby red stones
Greatness redeamed...If it happened he returned to home
Never the less, Never the more, He's been replaced
& now he only contains...Just a minute amount of space
No controlling a race, His demise was well planned
Someone upstairs didn't like him...put upon his hand...
To his heart, And taken his body and soul away from him
Only partof the king remins by particales...Cuz of Reincarnation