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Old 12-27-03, 04:59 PM   #5
Even If U Like Me..Fuck U
Allegory's Avatar
Posts: 62

My pens mightier than the Dimense, its sumthin to get now…
Cuz you’ve been written off more than a fucking pen pal!
Ur krew knows it…its hopeless…ur withholdin the hussle
So dont predickt urself…you’ll just end up pullin a muscle!
Drop the max in this ring…still won’t be ample to cling
Cuz ur watered down verse will only put a damper on things!
It’s a shame ya spent the time, writin nuthin thats hard
Guess the only thing up ur sleeve, were a couple weak arms!
Get sumthin to eat pards! Bad health causes malnutrition…
And that mushroom haircut mite just lose all of its thickness!
You’ll fall from the quickness, sure Dimense is often carving
But the only swordfight he’s been in…was at a sausage party!
You’re shit, Im not! It’s no wonder you were getting scared
Cuz Id send ya up the creek, but I can see youre already there!
That’s the deal ya fool, Im here to prove you’ll hate this life
I’ll hit ur parents with ladders cuz those 2 rungs cant make a right!
Come and face the signs…we’ve battled and I made you hurt
But that wasn’t brought up well – jus exactly like you weren’t!
I should’ve mentioned that first…but beat me, Dimense couldn’t
So just go n grab an extra mouth…to put yet another foot in!
A wonderful guy? One of a kind? Those are nothin but lies
Cuz I said “what’ve ya got to lose”, he jus sent me some of his lines!

Good Luck

Your talent is God's gift to you.
What you do with it is your gift back to God.
- Allegory -