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Old 12-28-03, 02:30 PM   #147
New to RB
Mc_Russie's Avatar
Posts: 58
From: In Your Back Garden

lemmie take out this bitch.

half of that shit didn't even make sence,
good job we're not in court cos u aint got a defence,

sjc21...bla bla bla.
shit, i can tell u come from amerika

don't ever think of trying to go li-git, u can't spit, to save shit,
might aswell drop the mic and quit,

he doesn't even say where he's from, proberly 2 scared to say,
if his mates saw his rhymes, they'd smack him up straight away.

Shut the fuck up dawg, take a seat,
have a treat and next time, try rapping to the beat.

