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Old 12-29-03, 01:42 AM   #10
It's Avatar
Posts: 759

Joker, ya style is a joke........ Like batman you can't see me
Tha Ace is Superior.... So theres no way of you to defeat me
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So ya undefeated 2-0... Ya streak is comin to an end...
.............Unless its on this poll you'll never see that 0 again
basic shit,.....
Ya stupid ....Acceptin my call out was ya first of many mistakes
Steppin up ta me.... Ya grab the mic and suddenly ya wrist breaks
Ya to weak....Ya can't handle tha wrath that i'm bout to unleash
Your undefeated, But theres no chance in hell you'll beat me Kapeesh
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????
Ya rockin Nas in yo sig..... So how bout you try ta ether to this
Ya rockin tha Joker name..... and simply it came easier ta diss

cats reppin some unknown agency..thinking he can fuck wit me
I’ma wreck this wannabe put him in an early retirement like jay z
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Rip this nigga leave his embarrassed like that cat in his avatar
Coverin his face….tryin to hide his identity like he’s a porn star
My sick punches is leavin this cats mind absent like his location
Ur not winnin this battle u had hours of concentration still no penetration
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((
This cat thinks he gots fame.. COME ON he barley beat mary-jane
Ya whack is what I’m sain…I come at higher cost like my name is cocaine
This cat lost and said he didn’t drop he was at the hospital cuz his cousin got shot
Hah Nice excuss man….lets me guess ya cousin was in a drive by and he was tupac
vote/joker overall better verse...
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