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Old 12-29-03, 09:44 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

when i started off emcee-ing a about 2 month ago, i were fvckin dire, i really was, but at the time i thought i were pretty good. So when i saw other emcees spits on battle sites, i just thought to maself im better than that(encouragemnt). Wat lacked in my spits 1st off, were the complexity, i had the flow an structure, an the wordplay were aight....nuthin special. But all the times i battled an spat on an open mic, i got better an better, every time u write u get better IMO, as practice make perfect no? The thing is i dint do the games to elevate,i dint nreally take note to listen to wat other people say, i just said to ma'self i can do better, an i have, with lil help.

U just need to belevie u can elevate, also take a break now an again, u emcee all the time..........ure head el get fvcked up with the same lines an punches an all that sh*t. Take a day or two, coz if ure emcee-ing coz u 'have' to get better, an not beacause u 'want' to get better then ureself aint gon a let u do it.
Just keep at it, frustration an all getting beat is all part of emcee-ing, an beleive me im no expert, but i know thats wats its all about. Its just how u take it. get a vote gainst, just tell ureself thats an incentive to get better, u win take it further, but dont get cocky.........aight peace out.
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