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Old 12-29-03, 06:07 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

Think about it, if you was there standing looking at me
What would you do, if I hit your face with dog doodoo?
Smear purple flies on your forehead
Spit in your salad, vomit on your brother's breakfast
Take your ass outside, burn your mother's house
Bring pet mice, and scare your sister with my gray mouse
Then drop him under the bed, and leave him there dead
Take out your parakeet, with scissors, clip his head
Then get the charcoal, whassup, burn your dog's legs
Walk by the barbershop, and hit the glass with eggs
Then go in the club and dance, mix the alcohol
Great with roach spray, here's a drink, have a ball
Dance to the music, watch it party pooper
Yeah, you know...
I'm destructive
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