Thread: dw VS chrit
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Old 12-30-03, 11:28 AM   #2
Chrit's Avatar
Posts: 4,862
From: Elevated beyond Description

The fuck you even want this? Ya truly sorry dude...
Ya not just fucking wack... you're giving it oral too...
Hammer home one point... Bitch you'll never touch this...
With verses that are piss-poor... atleast you dont lack substance
Already merked half ya crew... man I hate these cocks....
I'll be thinking outside it while leaveing you in a box...
Just keep giving that shit... and I'll keep splitting them domes...
I stack chips... but the only bill in youyr pocket... is pry checking for condoms...
Fuck it.. this kids done... just another easy win...
Chrit just keeps raising the bar... while bars wont even let you in