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Old 12-30-03, 03:00 PM   #6
1st to wreck
Posts: n/a

Mom: "Now Casualty, why did you punch 1st?"

Casualty: "I swear that I didn't punch him, mom, I only tried to!"
that's right, you think you tight? for real dawg, you was lied to
after this battle we'll be able to see who's the real *lyrical soldier*
you ain't real or hard. those rhymes came out of your lyrics folder
all you talk about is killin me, but truthfully, you'll be the casualty
I should have never accepted, i'm past your
all them guns you talk about, bring em out! now you stuck, dawg
but , when It comes down to it, all your jewlery you'll tuck, dawg
you only a net thug, but in real life, you turn softer than cotton
i'll put you under so you rotten, and you won't even be forgotten
because in order to be forgotten, you have to be known first man I'll leave you crumbled by a rockslide, but three stones worse man
Only time you'll ever reach tightness is by some skin tight jeans
you won't reach ill unless you get shot wit 10 smallpox vaccines
I just upped my battle record even more, and I owe it to you
sorry I had to do it, but really, I just made your weak ass 0 and 2
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