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Old 12-30-03, 06:05 PM   #4
Warren Piece
Banned: Biter
Posts: 16

I'd use a rain man reference, but it's simply stated that,
any use of a garbage emcees name in verse, is garbage to match,
you'll never come dope, stop it, this'll be ya utter defeat,
Piece'll hit ya girl so hard, homicide'll be fingerprintin ya teeth,
gotta strain to see your talent, bitch stick to the ballads,
can tell he shook, tossed cookies then looked for the salad,
ya fumblin words, obvious why you aint got the balls or gonads,
catch visectomy visions anytime vienna sausages calls or shows ads,
tired of being overlooked, kid wants to better his rep,
so Piece gave him a winning push.. off his competitive edge,
kid 4 get ur pride, there's nothing more, ur finished,
cus you're much like ur avy, STILL searching for.. an image,
Don’t lose ya control cuz I’m nice, you’ll get toss’d & whimper,
An upset stomach? ..when I punch it.. even it loss’d it’s temper,
I don’t respect punks, so shut up, nobody’ll show you love,
ready ta catch a L, look see him gettin his baseball glove,
I'm only jamaican right now.. ya lines'll never hurt me,
Piece'll be standin in the thread, you'll be standin in ya blood a mercy,
we're down to the finisher, yea, time to get personal,
now all I gotta do is find one person.. who's ever heard of you

Thank you.