Thread: Burnin CD's
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Old 12-30-03, 06:33 PM   #1
_-Lucky Rabbits Foot-_
SyaNidal's Avatar
Posts: 644
From: PenNsyLvaNIa
Burnin CD's


yo im at my computer just donwloadin songs
when an ad pops up headlined Bitches In Thongs
looked like good porn so i clicked on the shit
a virus on my comp called dirty whore clit
Im like wtf so i reformatted my comp
started downloadin again n guess what pops up
im like control alt delete n it wus gone for some time
but you know the net more pop ups and signs
im like fuck it ill just use kazaa lite
i downloaded my shit n wus down for the nite
so the next day at my comp i put the CD in
and wtf the ad popped up again
so control alt delte once more
wus burnin CDs form like 1 until 4
one last cd for me to burn n im done
so i figured while it burns ill have some fun
when n played madden for a bit
came back to the screen and im like O SHIT
CD wus already written on n hadden been burnin at all
and then all of a sudden the phone rings A PHONE CALL?
it wus the FBI somethin about illegal music
i wus like i never heard of it how could i use it?
Kazaa is the program we now it was you
i respond
What are you talking about my user name is Bugz not imajew..
ahh ha so now we no that u did it
i wus like naw im just kiddin
i never heard of that program i use NAPSTER
o shit i meant... excuse me sir youve been captured
this guy busted down my door n put me un cuffs
im like dude my cds still burnin hold the fuckup
hes like okay sir it wont hurt to download a few more songs
n lok what popped up BITCHES IN THONGS
im like this thing keeps poppin up what is it
hes like an illegal downloadin tracker u idiot
im like shit so thats how they found out
hes like its time to leave sir were out
so im in the back of the car listenin to my headset
all of a sudden the car stops were there
im not ready yet...
they bring me in and say 100$ a track...
but dont do it again...
so i payed them n went home when a got back...
downloaded some more n started burnin cd's...
cops showed up again im like dont take me PRETTY PLEASE...
they said i wus fucked n that this wus it....
goe to show what kazaa n porn do....
so if you dont wanna be caught dont click it...
theres so many ways cops can catch you downloadin shit...
so next time dont be a bitch if u really like an artist...
pay for music....
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