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Old 12-31-03, 02:53 PM   #4
ShO-Nuff. Fuckers
K.Largo's Avatar
Posts: 1,263
From: Finland

An old king relentless in his pursuit of perfection
sought out seneless abuse 'cause he was used to attention
summoned the towns talent for random entertaiment
but the scene would get violent if it didnt entertain him
take for example this young man who stumbled atop
spilled jokes like a computer but he mumbled a lot
he would fumble the plot and folded it senseless
but for this mistake he was beat till it left him breathless
relentless was the pursuit and heres another example
a simple song group of a sister and brother ensemble
their melodies were clear & loud like a summer in june
but they sounded like a new guitar that was not yet in tune
so their chords were draped, cause it wasnt what he hoped
I guess u can call it fate that they sang hanging by a rope
so this went on talent after talent left dead & abandoned
they had to do what was told, there was no way around it
but so behold the day that this tyrant was finnally satisfied
he found a sweet lulabye that couldnt ever be falseafied
she sang song, with the grace & elegance of a hummingbird
was given riches, in exchange of presence and nothing more
it's funny her name would fit this search of extravagant formality
birthed in a poor family who soon named this gift Quality........

And so she was signed for a multimillion dollar contract
at last they greedy CEO had found what he was looking for..
MerK SquAd.

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