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Old 01-01-04, 06:52 AM   #9
Posts: 1,091
Re: Expanding (Making it something more)


Originally posted by The Necromancer
Members: 19,816 | Threads: 56,762 | Posts: 511,437

Read that. That is nearly twenty thousand members. Over fifty thousand threads. And over five hundred thousand posts. By my persice calculations thats actually a dismal twenty five posts per person.

You are a day late. We had over 24k members yesterday before 4k were pruned for not knowing their email address. We'll probably end up pruning the other 4k who don't either in the next several weeks. That'll free up some database space and usernames for people who'd actually use it.
And what I'm thinking is more than just an arcade. I'm thinking for starters, a news bulletin. All Hip-Hop and rap related articles that can be found should be posted up on the main page followed by a thread in a news forum where people can post comments and discuss things. People should be allowed to submit articles they can find from various sources and even be allowed to write articles of their own to submit. (All should of course be cleared by some sort of managing editor.)

Unless something comes up, RB v2.0 is set to start development in the next week or two (VB3 RC1 is currently planned to be released on 1/5). After we add all the battle and other hacks into VB3, we'll look into building a content management system which will allow articles and other items to be added and discussed.
Y'know what else I'm thinking? And this can easily be done with or something and someone with a decent computer, but we should have an internet radio station. A good idea would be that it would circulate between two types of music. Either music highly preferred by members of (Polls can be taken to determine such things) and have music by actual artists (Be great exposure for those that don't frequent audio.) You could switch between those two every other day or something.

Running a shoutcast server with lots of listeners will need a lot of bandwidth. I rather get a whole new server just for shoutcast rather than use the current server and risk a slowdown of the main site. Most likely we'd need more audio heads first... no point in spending the money if there isn't enough people to provide a good selection of songs and people actually listening. There'll be new audio features coming online in the spring/summer after the CMS is built which will hopefully attract more audio people and we'll take a look at the interest then and move on from there.
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