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Old 01-02-04, 05:49 PM   #6
_-Lucky Rabbits Foot-_
SyaNidal's Avatar
Posts: 644
From: PenNsyLvaNIa

so as i spit i lite the mic on fire, havin ballin like a tow crier//
should say
so as I spit I lite the mic on fire, have you ballin like a town crieir

Line3,4-Brooklyn Express(clothing line)
Line5,6-only 1 in a million sperm reaches the egg to produce a child... and born 2 killz sig says u have a 52.3% chance of gettin murked... (some precent like that)
Line7,8 spit lyrical heat then spit on ya feet( I lit his feet on fire)
Line9,10 Ballin(cryin yall hsould no this) town criers were people who sat in a town in the old days n told people news and warned them of bad things...
barbed wire(sharp wire rip skin open yall should no this)
my rhymes are new and his r outdated or reused(expired)
Line11,12 u always hear how u can see through ghost cauiz thye transparnt... so he has so many ghost writers u can see threw it..
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