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Old 01-03-04, 12:49 AM   #4
Feeble Minded
Posts: n/a

Read Sig for maximum effect. .

. . read it, now!

battlin im known complete, u dont defeat, u wont compete. .
evolves nuts are a pothole.. thats why you own the streets
walter?. . skills are out of reach, & he can't afford to claim it
cuz battle wise i cover Walls like a mortgage payment. .
im ya lord just say it, u only get dr's but soon that cult'll fall
cuz im like home realtors. . i sell off everything walter wall . .
under pressure im recalling he melts.. you'll fall & get dealt
tag team champ in my league? bitch im withdrawing ya belt
face is crawling with welts, i saw ur sig & swelled with hatred
I moved onto Elite. .
its sad u gotta brag about being rated the best in elevated
this is hell's verbatim. . im in with the devil on claimin ya fate
discussed the pros.. proposals my dick, walter aims to debate
walters heads the target i came to deflate & i'll hurt this walt
fucked up so bad. .
. .after this battle only medal you'll win is the purple heart
walter they speak of u sayin, he's never gonna reach that high
but talkin of me they say.. this head will beat wall. . like that guy. .
i'll expose this dickrider. . around feeble he's a horny kid. .
shit, he's voted for me in every round of this tournament!