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Old 01-03-04, 02:30 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

HipHop, don't say "finsher:" then spit something, it doesn't look good.

I would vote for hiphop101 because echos verse doesn't make any fucking sense!

the breakdown:

i's sitting here with a man who think he can teach a class
hip hop 101, my classmates and i hope the lesson doesn't last
i's thinking this is weak
it's like sitting behind the fuckn' wheel and falling asleep
i got my license, but the damn road ain't that interesting
don't rape her she just took some toilet paper
now ur getting pissed when it was a fuckn' favor
put you outta your misery before you do it to yourself
they think u got stigmata, but i saw the knife on the shelf.
holes in your hands and feet like you were in the middle of war
but i put nails in your ligaments to show u I'm a rap whore
because we know people fighting in wars always have holes in thier hands and feet....
you have circles under those eyes, do u got the flu?
your head is hot and your lips are bright blue
you put on some lip balm didn't you? your a lesbo or a faggot
don't kiss me, they'll get the wrong idea, tag your it
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