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Old 01-05-04, 08:54 AM   #132
Posts: n/a


I'm with most the other guys, i'd pick you over a skinny chick anyday, i prefer thicker gurls... mus be a weird fetish or something = S

Anyway i think your really pretty, but i rekon a more natural look would be better, ahd to much makeup on in that photo where your breasts were almost out your top lol no hate.

And you do have very large breasts for your age, as Bruk said enjoy them before you hate them in later life lol...

Anyway i think your pretty and keep up the nice looks, oh and oyu don't look 17 at all.

Don't worry about half the replies saying "You Have Big Fucking Boobs And They Look Tasty", 70% of the users on RB are skinny white 13 yr old virgin boys who have never seen them in real life, lol...

stay up

P.S, my ex girlfriend whos 15 said that havin big breasts puts a really bad strain on your back did that happen for you when you were that age?, jus wondering
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