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Old 01-05-04, 01:18 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

Setting: Phoeniix walks into a room with rows of chairs facing a podium. In the room are Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, 3rd Bass, Ja Rule, and assorted other wack rappers. A sign on the wall says "Toinght: WRA meeting 5-7PM." Vanilla Ice is standing at the podium and says,

"Do we have any new members this evening?... oh, ok, you in the back... yeah you, that gangly looking motherfucker with the rainbow on his shirt... why don't you come up the the podium and introduce yourself? Come on, don't be shy..."

Poeniix walks up to the podium...
"Hi, my name's Phoeniix.... and I'm a wack rapper"

Crowd: "Hiii Phoeniix"

<Cue the beat>

Someone call up Guiness this a World Record in the makin'
I founded the Wackest Rapper Alive if I'm not mistakin'
And I'm about to battle him, this won't go too far
Vegas set 10-1 odds I kill this dude in 5 bars
This guys pretends hes got skills like he's Pac or Biggie
But he couldn't "bring home the bacon" if he was dating Miss Piggie
Couldn't drop a nice verse if it slipped outta his hands
Couldn't 'milk' a good punchline if he was a mammary gland
Matter-of-fact, I take-that-back, I believe I mispoke
Son's got plenty of punchlines - his whole verse is a joke!
My styles like anal sex (yeah you read that right!)
Coat my words in vaseline and they'd STILL be tight!
Phoeniix style like masturbating in the prison yard -
He needs a dick in his ass for him to come hard.
Shit, it's gonna be funny reading what he responds with
Cause his skill and his name are both the same - a myth