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Old 01-06-04, 07:46 PM   #7
Poetic Justice
Posts: 327

Gazzebo- you had some pretty good puches in there a few were played but non the less ok
The tony the tiger one was creative
An the two fat bithes runnin one was dope

Kuntriboi- no real hard punches for you bro sorry
"dumb fuck, feel like im battlin a foreign nigga, cuz you slow to reply//
ya verse is a bronx tale, you phony as hell, spittin lies//"
I think you could have flipped this verse and it would have sounded a little better

OVERALL- Gazzebo took this with more an harder punches

I took time on your battle take some on mine
Vote please

This one has been slept on BAD! help me out

Please check this one out too
