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Old 01-06-04, 09:06 PM   #2
mulletstation's Avatar
Posts: 113

Yo, check out dis foo'

O. they say the sun never sets on the British Empire
Because mulletstation is their bright burning pyre
The bloodshed, the conquerer, the deciever himself
Dutchman I promise you gold in exchange for your delft
Oops I lied, I shot you in the face
And now I drag you out of your mansion by yo fugly shoe lace
Now I take ur delft that u be workin on so long
Hell, doin this aint right but it aint wrong
The Tea 'n tit empire that I be representin
Its here because of da missions that da queen be sentin

-Mac "Mackdaddy Mullest" Mulletstation
stay in school