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Old 01-06-04, 11:47 PM   #36
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Within my eyes are locked up secrets of things that i have seen...
dreams can't describe the evil things done by demonic beings...
The acid in my brain leaves little left for me to think..
Yet i'm exposed to hardships of life it passes by as you blink..
so most chose to continue through life eyes closed avoid the pain..
avoiding the tide till the storm passes and only remains the rain..
Open your eyes for your blinded by light shined from those in the dark..
you let injustices happen and weigh them light on your heart...
How bout the 13 year old girl who was raped and killed..
body left mutilated found weeks later in the landfill...
Should we say we let this happen how could we not see..
the ever growing events leading up to this tragedy..
no one payed attention to her so she got it how she could..
Showing off pre pubecent body to men up to no good..
not only did she get attention she also got cash...
bet she never picutred her neck left with a gash..
Unseen invisible to those that chose not to see ..
so this situation occurs more frequently where is divinity..
who in this world is good anymore who has a heart left..
who does actions of love for reasons other than self..
it seems were all rushing and leaving people behind..
Like we lost our damn mynd stuck in the grind taught to be unkind..
The future is darker that the pupil of my optics if we don't recognize this problem and stop it..
I'm not a prophet but i recognize those only that live for prophet..
money is the root of all evil you worshipin lucifer so stop it..
What is life without god though at times he seems absent..
i can't handle it like hot melting pots that everyone caps it.....