Thread: Zarbon Vs Joker
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Old 01-07-04, 06:00 PM   #5
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 361

Zarbo..after this battle ur seein more blood than a tampon
1 punch ur gone “doublin “ ya losses like I’m james bond
This nigga has no flow like a desert..his shit is dry as hell
I got so much barz I got u feelin like ur locked in a jail cell
Ur not goin to prevail, this shit aint even no competition
Ur on a mission,to get Koed like losin is your disposition
Gettin played like hilary Clinton, cause ur rhymes blow
Nigga if ur tryna beat me u can at least have some flow
Nigga I aint even gotta drop hard to take this fuckin battle
ur chances slipped quick like when greeenbay beat seattle