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Old 01-07-04, 06:32 PM   #18
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 361

Token's scared^^ notice the sig switch from dis bitch
Tryna be slick?Ima make his Future Bright..jus like Chrits
^^^4/10.... y are u talkin bout chrit?..ok personal

Fuk what fits, Ima quad lip on this *coin-n-watch him spend
I get the kinda message he sends...
Cool he's a mod look^^he can even post a 100 less chek in
^^4/10...made no sense and who cares bout the check-in

He's only force'in rules because of his anal freind The End
Who What and When?...Please..Token, It's only L's i lend.....
^^ 7/10 nice.......

Toke'is like nintendo..He's a classic but can be broke by dust
Come on..look at this git,He kisse's so much ass his lips look rust
^^5/10 first line was dope second was whack

merk'd from dawn till dusk...dis token suck'd more than tummy tucks
^^4/10 didnt really make much sense



You couldn't spit fresh facts if you were a backwards tactic
Said you'd win but..
..You had to lay face up on the keyboard just to back it
^^ 5/10 nice......

Fucka chance of winning... Your odds make evens look bad
It's sad.. The only time you could son is by becoming a dad
^^7/10 nice shit

I won't just KO you.. I'll abc.. and 123 you as well
And Laugh my ass off cuz..
..Fucka dell... Dude, you're getting an L!
^^6.5/10 dope

And there's no reversing it, kid.. Bitch all you want
Cuz you won't just need a style switch..
..You'll need a change of font!
^^ 4/10 wasnt feelin it much

Nothin will help you, kid.. You're beyond assistance
Sure you're noticed.. I hope this verse intrigued your exit-sense (existance)

^^ 7.5/10 dope shit props...

Carson- 30/50.....